10/01/2003 10m Phone Net – W6ZE/AF6C checked in CCD, HHC, IXN, UEB, and TWA.  AF6C met some old and made some new friends at the Octoberfest in Long Beach today, and Bob talked abt luminescent rocks in caves.  CCD spent three days wid the grand-harmonics in Phoenix, and Tom worked a couple of DX stations today.  And CCD purchased a photoplayer at Radio shack that allows him to show his computer camera pix on TV!  HHC & Diane, bk frm their trip to AZ and NM, had a great time visiting Indian ruins, buying Indian jewelry, visiting the Carlsbad Caverns, and watching 400,000 bats fly out of the caves at dusk!  And Ken mentioned the upcoming Kevin Mitnik seminar on prevention of computer hacking…cost…$5,000/person!!  IXN experienced a ’lil trouble wid NetZero sending out his E-mail last nite, and Bob said he wished we had night skies that equalled the blackness of the Carlsbad Caverns!  UEB ‘flew in and flew out’, and TWA’s audio was cutting in and out at IXN’s QTH.  But Charles said he copied strong sigs on all OPs.


10/01/2003 2m Phone Net – W6ZE/IXN checked in VDP, AF6C, HHC, JD, XQ, KFW, QVY, MIG, MIH, and K1PC/6(Paul).  VDP, busy getting rid of Silen Key estates, said sales were slower at TRW Swapmeet last Sat.  Next weekend, Larry will work the CA QSO Party, where, if he makes 100 contacts, he can pick up a T-shirt! Then the nxt week, he’s off to the Cal Poly Swapmeet.  AF6C just got bk frm beer, sausages & saurkraut at the German October Fest in Long Beach.  Bob has been doing a ’lil gardening and repairing lawn sprinklers.  HHC expressed interest in the 1 ½ watts in/80 watts out amplifier described by VDP, and Ken said it was 109 deg. today near Blythe, CA., on their return trip home.   JD reminded OPs abt the Club Bfast Sat. morning, and Lowell & XYL treated the harmonic and his wife to dinner on their wedding anniversary. MIG & MIH checked in after MIH finished his homework, and ZQ is looking forward to the upcoming Club Auction!  KFW mentioned the nice OCWN CW Net check-in last Sun., and Chris has been busy wid usual maintenance work, while working a ’lil CW on the side. K1PC, Paul, frm Connecticut, joined us frm the Embassy Suites in Irvine.  PC, using an HT, has an interesting occupation…Mobile Robotics!…Any OPs have ’lil machines running arnd your offices delivering mail, etc.?  (Check in agn when you return, Paul!!)


10/05/2003 40m OCWN CW Net – NCS/UEB checked in IMW/6, KS6CW, KA6G, IB, OIO, IOA, RND, VDP, and NT.  UEB worked an AK and an NJ station in the CA. QSO Party, and Rick had a 3-way QSO wid IOA & IMW last week. IMW got the ‘flagpole’ ant. bk on the air…Ian will do on-air testing and report bk.  CW made brownies fer the Choir party this afternoon.  KA6G spent the day learning to use logging software for use working the CA QSO Party.  IB ran a ARES simplex FM net for SET weekend and worked 25 SSB contacts in CQP as well, and OIO has been whacking on a tree stump in the backyard, and doing sum carving.  IOA gave all OPs 599, and Ron says it looks like band condx & jackets go together(hihi).  RND had gud copy on all, and John spent too much time watching sports, and music frm the Blues on PBS…Nw fer more TV come the Tues. Election!  VDP checked in, told OPs he worked over 100 OPs in the CA QSO Party, then went bk to the Contest fer more multipliers. NT said his 12 yr old house dog, Joey, became a ‘Silent Bark’ this week…So sad…!…But he had a really gud life!  And Ray did work a couple of fellas in the CQP thing.


10/08/2003 10m Phone Net – W6ZE/AF6C checked in KB1GZ, HHC, LDC, and IXN.  GZ has been busy, but Steve managed to work the CA QSO Party over the weekend.  AF6C, IXN and HHC discussed outlets for VHS and DVD films, and HHC is working on ‘RF’ tonite.   Ken told OPs that he went to see The Producers on stage.  And HHC found the 15m opening last Sun. enjoyable…Ken made a few CA QSO Party contacts.  LDC is finishing up re-arranging the garage, then it’s off to the Emerald Resort in Palm Desert for the weekend.  IXN & Lee got their flu shots last week, and Bob busied himself writing letters to Blue Cross and Moviehunter.  AF6C enjoyed meeting his sister and her daughter as they passed through on their way to Japan, and Bob worked TX & Al last week, also giving sum CA QSO Party contacts sum points.


10/08/2003 2m Phone Net – W6ZE/IXN checked in JD, AF6C, VDP, KFW, and BSV.  JD busied himself wid providing communications wid RACES for the election on Tues.  And wid the Angels eliminated, AF6C is watching the Boston Redsox vy closely.  Bob is also learning new computer languages and building a computer interface for the TS440S.  VDP made 138 contacts in the CA QSO Party, wid the computer logging program helping him to avoid dupes…Nw Larry can pick up his CA QSO Party T-shirt! KFW & IXN talked abt the crazy CA election, wid IXN sending explanations bk East to friends in PA abt the goings on out here! BSV’s XYL downloaded election results…She said that every candidate on the ballot received some votes!!...Amazing!!


10/12/2003 40m OCWN CW Net – NCS/UEB checked in OIO, IMW/6, KS6CW, KA6G, IB/6, RND, KFW, GVG, VDP, and NT.  UEB sent layout files fer his new QSL card off to the printer, and OIO worked the East Coast wid a mere 3 Watts!  UEB’s leg muscles are a bit sore after a hike wid IMW, but Ian is ready fer sum more punishment, hihi!   CW worked all day at the polls on Oct. 7, but today, it’s a game booth at her church festival after Mass.  KA6G is not sure that his new TS-570D hears any better.  UEB said Jim’s sigs were much stronger, due to excellent propogation, a new rig, or both!   IB reported QSB on UEB’s sigs, and Casey attended an ARES meeting in Redding, 5.5 hours on the road!…Nw, IB is off to work at a club horse show.   RND was busy last week playing 4 gigs, and John is enjoying the nice WX. KFW has been doing sum mods on a PIC keyer program, that he wrote, to include new message storage…IMW is interested in more info. abt Chris’ program.  GVG said the avacados are doing well in North San Diego County, and Roy gave all OPs 589/599 sig rpts!  VDP reminded all abt the OCARC Club Auction Fri. nite, and Larry got 138 QSOs on CQP.33 multipliers!…(Wear the new T-shirt to a Club meeting, Larry!)  NT said UEB’s sigs went up two S points after tune-up, and Ray said this weekend is for the dogs! …Seems that Ray’s dog count went frm 0 to 5, after another family went out of town and left their dogs…We love ’em, hi!


10/15/2003 10m Phone Net – W6ZE/AF6C checked in KB1GZ, CCD, IXN, and HHC.  OPs cudn’t hear GZ too well, his audio was breaking up and there was a scratching noise on his sigs.  Didn’t take Steve long to find the problem!…A mike switch in the wrong position!   CCD talked to an old ham friend and school buddy, on Echo Link…30 yrs since Tom heard frm him last!  And CCD will miss the Auction, he’ll be out of town.  IXN told HHC that his snail-mail copy of ‘RF’ arrived today, and Bob told Ken that he will forward the 9/21 OCWN net notes to be placed in Sept. Netnews.  And HHC told OPs that he is inspecting the new NIKON 5700 digital camera, and IXN suggested that AF6C run for a state office under the name of Robert Swartzenweiler!…HI.  And HHC said that Murphy’s Law applied to IXN’s lapse of memory concerning the 9/21 OCWN net notes:  If you can forget, you will!  Then OPs briefly discussed Gordon-NOA’s attempts to resurrect Orange County ARES.


10/15/2003 2m Phone Net – W6ZE/IXN checked in JD, BSV, VDP, HHC, KFW, (MIG, MIF, MIH), and AF6C.  JD accurately predicted the Cub elimination in the World Series, and Lowell reminded OPs to bring ham items to the Club Auction Fri. eve.  BSV spent last Sat. at a car rally near Santa Maria, and Carl plans to bring ‘a truckload’ to the Club Auction!…(right on, Carl!)   VDP plans to attend the Cal Poly Swapmeet com Sat., and Larry told HHC & IXN to change NT to GVG on the OCWN HAMCON picture!  KFW & IXN decided GVG was NT when we were at the OCARC OPD program, but it didn’t take VDP long to point out our error!  AF6C & IXN talked abt removing ‘Birds of Paradise’, and AF6C told OPs that he is playing wid a pressure transducer trying to make a barometer to measure atmospheric pressure.  HHC and OPs briefly discussed NOA’s Orange County RACES efforts, and KFW said that VDP was absent at the OPD presentation, or Chris wud hve asked Larry to verify pix OPs.


10/19/2003 40m OCWN CW Net – NCS/UEB checked in IMW/6, VDP, KFW, RND, IB, NT, KS6CW, KA6G, and GVG.  UEB and IMW visited the swapmeet in Pomona where they found VDP…All had a nice chat! IMW did sum work on the antenna, installing a matching unit right at the base.  VDP enjoyed them Club Auction and meeting UEB and IMW at the Cal Poly Swapmeet.  KFW went to the Club Auction and picked himself up a Bird Wattmeter.   RND had two maple trees cut bk, and wid the leaves gone, all sigs hve improved but UEB, who is dwn in the noise level.  And John has been watching baseball…Go FLA! IB had heavy QRN, reading NCS at 439, all other stations Q5.   NT reports in amid the gloom on the Hill, but, wid sun already out in Irvine, NCS tells Ray that gloom will be wiped away soon on the Hill! IMW & JIL think that CW was doubling on NCS’ sigs to Ray…We think her message was lost in the QRM.  KA6G said that all OP sigs were down, and Jim was glad that UEB got the Mickey Mouse card!  GVG, way dwn in the QRN got a few words and a call sign thru to NCS…Hoping fer better condx next week!


10/22/2003 10m Phone Net – W6ZE/AF6C checked in HHC, LDC, CCD, GW, and IXN.  HHC said the troublesome carrier abt 200 Hz off freq. is bk agn!   Ken & OPs passed along kudos to LDC & VDP fer a FB job handling the Club Auction!  HHC reported a profit to the Club of $125+ dollars frm the Auction.  And Ken suggested that the Board check out a possible FD site near Prospect & Chapman.  LDC wud hve liked to see more participants at the Auction…IXN suggested earlier, and more, advertising next year.  LDC reported gud sigs on all OPs tonite, and Larry will now rearrange the hamshack now that he has gotten rid of sum old gear.  CCD missed the auction…He was up 5000 ft. in the mountains!  GW enjoyed herself at the auction, now Corri has to figure out what to do wid the antennas she picked up!  AF6C picked up a freq. counter (works FB!) and the SB-620…Bob plans to replace the pwr transformer in his old SB-620.


10/22/2003 2m Phone Net – W6ZE/IXN checked in AE6UC, JD, HHC, VDP, and BSV.  UC had a busy work week, and Jim enjoyed the auction…He’s nw hving fun wid his new toys!  El Presidente JD is off to a 10 yr-old grandharmonic’s BD party come Sat.  VDP, HHC, & IXN all discussed loading ants. wid a Johnson Matchbox…HHC picked up a Matchbox at the Auction.  VDP has a manual for the Matchbox.  Ken asked VDP to accompany him to a possible FD site in Orange in the near future, and BSV checked in wid broken sigs.  Carl found a loose wire on the pwr supply which eliminated the problem.  HHC informed BSV of a late sale fer $9…BSV told HHC to donate it to the Club…Tnx, Carl!  And all OPs passed kudos along to BSV fer the FB display of auction items frm his dad’s hamshack, and, to VDP & LDC for the FB job done at the Club Auction!


10/26/2003 40m OCWN CW Net – NCS/UEB checked in IB, GVG, IOA, OIO, VDP, NT, IMW/6, RND, and KFW.   UEB conducted the Net under falling ash, the aroma of burning vegetation, and a pink sun in the City of Irvine!  And Rick thanked NT for his kind gift of a handcrafted key complete wid his call and the OCWN logo!  No notes today fer IB in Loomis, and GVG was getting much smoke frm the Camp Pendleton fire and a new fire to his east, wid wind picking up in North San Diego County! And IOA, in Port Hueneme and fires on all sides, had gud cpy on all.  OIO reported fair to gud sigs on all but VDP…Larry was +20!…And Ann kept her fingers crossed for dead trees in the mountains…At least the Yanks go beat!  VDP nw has jury duty.  UEB had jury duty abt a month ago, but wasn’t selected fer a trial.  NT was glad UEB got the package OK, and wid smoke on the Hill, Ray feels fer the folks getting singed!  IMW/6 had a S7 noise level, but great South American DX frm CQ Contest!  RND said sum sigs were strong, and others weak…He washed the fall-out off the car, patio, and driveway…Sure felt sorry fer all who lost homes!  KFW, still on bay watch, was unreadable in the S7 QRN.  No check-in for Kathy, CW…She’s attending a Morse Telegraph Club meeting in Downey!


10/29/2003 10m Phone Net – W6ZE/AF6C checked in LDC, HHC, CCD, and IXN.  LDC will pick up Charmaine’s tower frm GZ after the Club Bfast Sat. morning.  And HHC, AF6C, CCD, and LDC discussed surplus outlets, mainly APEX.  HHC said that there were northern lights, caused by the solar flare, all the way down to Santa Barbara! After LDC told us abt a 4-day Halloween party he attended at the Elk’s Lodge, Larry sounded like he had a mouth full of mush!…His audio sigs degraded quickly! LDC discovered a loose ground strap that may be causing the problem. HHC told OPs abt a NIKON 5700 digital camera that interests him.   AF6C said his sister on the way home frm work today…She’ll have it set tomorrow.  And OPs discussed briefly the Morse Telegraph Club meeting in Downey.  HHC checked out TWA’s camera over last weekend.  CCD said APEX used to be Arrow Sales, and Tom will be looking at a 10m beam tomorrow.  And Tom told LDC that APEX shud still be open fer business in response to Larry’s inquiry.


10/29/2003 2m Phone Net – W6ZE/IXN checked in JD, AF6C, and HHC.  OPs must have had their eyes glued to the ‘boob tube’ watching the CA wildfires!  JD, wid his lungs & asthma, has been staying inside during the fallout, and Lowell checked wid his relatives near San Diego, making sure they were all safe.  JD reminded OPs abt the Club Bfast this Sat., and AF6C, after finding the right mike, told OPs there used to be a surplus store in Oceanside.  AF6C said his sister broke her foot when she caught it in the pavement, and Bob got the focus pot unfrozen!  And AF6C and IXN briefly discussed the possibility of PCBs in tubular capacitors!  JD & HHC talked abt fires in the foothills east of San Diego.  Wid HHC saying that the fire passed within 2 miles of his harmonic’s condo!  

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