With COVID-19 between surges, the Orange County ARC hosted a Holiday Party at Mimi's Cafe on 17th St. in Tustin. Happy hour began at 6:00 PM and dinner at 7:00 PM.
OCARC supplemented some of the cost of dinner for members allowing a $25 per person price, including dessert.
Club elections were held at the November meeting to select the 2022 Board of Directors. Here are the results:
President: AF6CF Nicholas Haban Vice Pres: N6GP Tim Goeppinger Secretary: KE6YHX Corey Miller Treasurer: W6HHC Ken Konechy Activities: W6WG Ron Mudry Membership: AF6C Bob Eckweiler Public Rel's: W6ETC Tom Cowart Technical: N1BKB Steve Belasco Dir at Lrg: KI6X Dan Violette Dir at Lrg: N6TMT Tim Millard
Our speaker, Keigh Schlottman - KR7RK, The treasurer of 10-10 International, gave a rundown on everything that 10 meters has to offer. He also talked about 10-10 International.
Club members who participated from home in the 2021 California QSO Party needed to submit their logs to contribute to the aggregate score for the club by this date and time.
Our guest speaker for October was Ken Konechy - W6HHC. Ken talked on EFHW antennas:
End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) antennas are a multiband HF antenna-design. They are simple and relatively low cost compared to commercial multiband beams and vertical antennas. Hams can:
Ken described the fundamental concepts of EFHW antennas, and how they perform.
A PDF of the slides from Ken's presentation can be found on line: Click here.
Due to lack of a venue the auction has been moved to early next year when we (hopefully) can return to the Red Cross facility.
Items in photo to the right are representative and are items that may or may not be availble at the auction. Actual list may be posted later.
For meeting time, location and map Click here.
Club members participated from home in the 2021 California QSO Party contributing to an aggregate score for the club.
Be sure to submit your log by October 18th 2021 at 4:59 PM PDT. Also be sure to:
Our guest speaker for September was Janet Margelli - KL7MF, general manager of the Anaheim Ham Radio Outlet. Janet gave us an interesting history of what is now the largest franchise of stores catering to amateur radio.
Dr. Doug Milar - K6JEY talked on techniques and equipment to do antenna to speaker receiver evaluation and adjustment.
A Celebration of Life was held for longtime radio amateur, former ARRL Vice Director, DXer and often guest speaker Art Goddard - W6XD on Saturday August 14th. at the Norma Hertzog Community Center, 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA.
Numerous hams from the Southwestern Division said their goodbyes to Art, and honored his memory and feats in our hobby.
The third QSO Today virtual Expo was held the weekend of 8/14 - 8/15. There were new speakers, panel discussions, kit building workshops, and much more.
Wayne Overbeck - N6NB and Carrie Tai - W6TAI gave us a presentation on their VHF - UHF all-electric "Red Rover", station based on the Chevy Bolt, with capability on 6-meters through 10 GHz. Wayne and Carrie and their vehicle were featured in the cover story for the May 2021 issue of QST. Reading the article was impressive, but hearing them tell their adventures live gave you the feeling of participation.
Due to the continuing COVID pandemic and since The Red Cross is not yet open for club meetings, this meeting was held online via Zoom©.
Under ARRL special COVID rules, the OCARC setup for Field Day in Huntington Beach at the Ocean View School District HQ. Operators were also allowed to operate from home for a club aggregate score.
Chip Margelli - K7JA presented a primer on setting up, operating and tearing down our Field Day operation.
Marty Woll N6VI, ARRL Southwestern Division Vice Director, talked on his "DXpedition to Mauritius Island 3B8" as well as his many other DX-peditions in general. Mauritius Island is located in the Indian Ocean off Madagascar.
Lance Collister W7GJ gave a very interesting talk on "DXpeditioning with 6 Meter EME", Lance has been bouncing 6-meter signals off the moon for almost half a century, often from rare DX locations. Along the way he's made many friends and some of them joined us on Zoom for the talk including Sulaiman 7S1ZJ from Saudia Arabia and Paolo I4YRW from Italy.
Club member Scott MacGillivray KM6RTE presented "Introduction to Winlink" via Zoom© at our Martch virtual meeting. WINLINK is an HF/VHF/UHF protocol widely used by Emeregency Communications organizations for communicating messages when phones, cellular, and internet are not available. Sadly, even after fifteen years of existence it remains a Windows only platform.
The second QSO Today Expo was held online. The QSO Expo team worked hard to make this upcoming Expo even better then the one last year, with new speakers, panel discussions, kit building workshops, and much more. While there were a few technical glitches, in general the event was a great success with a much larger attendance than the previous expo.
The ARRL is a QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Partner.
Will Jourdain AA4WJ from ICOM America spoke on the new IC-705 HF rig"
This meeting was scheduled to be the auction that was postponed from October 2020 However the auction has been again postponed.
Many members joined the OCARC team for 2021 WINTER FIELD DAY . We needed everyone to turnout to continue our winning streak and be the highest scoring club for 3 years running. Be sure to enter “Orange County ARC-CA” as your club in your Cabrillo Log submittal. If needed, help will be provided for your log submittal.
Contest period was Saturday 1900 UTC to Sunday 1900 UTC
Each member operated from their own QTH due to COVID-19 under revised rules for 2021. The rules can be downloaded from https://www.winterfieldday.com
Bands: 160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, 6m, 2m plus UHF and VHF
Scoring: Points are 1 for phone QSOs and 2 for CW & digital QSOs. Multipliers are one for each mode operated per band.
Modes: SSB, CW, and Digital. A single Satellite contact is worth 1500 bonus points. See the rules for additional Bonus Points.
If you need help with your log submittal or you are interested in more information or his power point summary contact Ron by email.
Due to a technical issue our meeting was invaded by outsiders. Once control was established the meeting was continued, but without the guest speaker. The program was rescheduled for the next month.
We start the year still in the Covid 19 pandemic (No Donald, it wasn't over by last Easter). So our breakfast meetings continue to be canceled and our board meetings are being held online on the first Saturday of the month:
Board meetings were held on:
* Due to the Covid-19 pandemic breakfast was not held; instead the board met via Zoom© at 8:15 AM.
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