10/06/1999 10m Phone Net - W6ZE/AF6C checks in JD, WOX, IXN, VDP, HHC, XO, and LEX. FLASH!...OCARC has a first!...At our Wouf Hong Ceremony, at the ARRL Convention aboard the Queen Mary, Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, FCC Enforcer, was inducted into the Royal Order of the Wouf Hong!!..Congrats, Riley!! And we take this opportunity to give a well deserved tnx to Wouf Hong Capt. KJ6ZH and his cohorts: VPP and harmonic, WIU, UCH, HHC, AF6C, BWH, TAM, PFA, and NAH!..(Hope I didn't miss anyone). VPP will preserve a copy of the Wouf Hong Ceremony CD in the Club History. Also, if any OP has a copy of the Convention booklet that you will soon throw away, give it to IXN for addition to the Club History. LEX reports in wid audio distortion. Chris removes extra circuitry frm audio path, and problem solved! AF6C enjoyed ZDH's presentation at the FCC Forum, and Bob and JD, WOX, VDP, and HHC discuss successes and shortcomings at the Convention. XO checks in, telling OPs he'll soon be going to Sacramento fer a reunion. Then Bob `hits the sack', to be bk up at 3:30 am to go to work!
10/06/1999 2m Phone Net - W6ZE/IXN checks in KFW, ZH, HHC, AF6C, VDP, WIU, LEX, BWH, and UCH. OPs are quick to pass on kudos to ZH fer a Wouf Hong well done. And Chris takes the opportunity to praise all Wouf Hong actors and participants for a superior performance at the Convention! ZH bought a Nicad battery pack at the Convention, and ended up wid a `Queen Mary cold' on Monday. HHC enjoyed the Convention and attended some of the talks. VDP will journey to Lakewood Sat. to put up a 6m vert. ant. fer Charmaine. And Larry announces the ham radio program frm Quito, Ecuador, on 9.475 MHz. WIU enjoys her first ham convention, tells IXN that Lee's guitar polish is in the store, and tells OPs that the QTH rig has a xmitter malfunction! LEX takes the duplexer out of line and solves his 10m audio problem. Now Chris is off to Chicago fer a business convention. UCH also enjoyed the Convention and the Wouf Hong performance. AF6C `flies in and flies out', and BWH checks in after an interesting Red Cross communications strategy meeting. Bob airs Newsline, and OPs hear abt grest 6m openings to Australia, New Zealand, etc.
10/13/1999 10m Phone Net AF6C is in Yuma, so W6ZE/HHC checks in IXN, VPP, LEX, and VDP. VPP collects 2m packet gear fer an upcoming emergency communications meet. IXN & HHC discuss the Club Auction this Fri. eve. And IXN struggles wid the new computer, trying to learn the `ins & outs of Windows and Word 2000. LEX operates frm a mobile rig in the garage, 25W to a mobile ant. VDP says LDC will try to visit Dennis in Ark. And Larry gets another FISTS contact on 10m in Panama. And VDP now has 49 states and 15 foreign countries confirmed on 6m! HHC will check Radio Shack fer AAA nickel-metal-hydride cells.
10/13/1999 2m Phone Net W6ZE/IXN checks in HHC, UCH, VDP, LEX, and WIU. HHC & IXN discuss land movement in the Great Basin. And HHC sends out Wouf Hong pix to all Club participants only. IXN tells WIU that copies of back NETNEWS hve been entered in the Club History Tnx Cory! UCH gets home early & gets sum yard work done, and WIU says the transmitter is nw working perfectly! VDP must still finish Charmaines 2 & 6m ant. installation in Lakewood. And LEX loads the same ant. On 2, 6, and 10m!
10/20/1999 10m Phone Net W6ZE/AF6C checks in JD, HHC, RND, NOT, IXN, WOX, and LEX. JD enjoyed the auction Fri. eve., getting plenty of exercise carrying items to be auctioned to the front table! HHC compliments AF6C on his FB auctioneering job, and Ken tells Ops that the Club cleared arnd $40 on the auction. HHC also asks what `conditioning a cell means when charging a battery Ops say probably deep discharge before recharging. RND copies all well but NOT & IXN, and John tells us abt his recent trip to visit the harmonic, including jaunts to VA Beach, Norfolk, and Jacksonville. NOT `flies in and flies out, and IXN and Ops discuss the 7.1 EQ early last Sat. morning, on the Lavic Lake Fault. AF6C has many URLs fer IXN, and Bob mentions the El Modena/Peralta Hills Fault located nearby. WOX loses, or misplaces, a lil tuning wand. And LEX prepares fer a 2-week business trip to Japan. And Chris, LEX discovers the Crystal Lake Seismometer on 162.810 MHz.!
10/20/1999 2m Phone Net W6ZE/IXN checks in LEX, KFW, WIU, HHC, AF6C, WOX, UBK, VDP, UCH, and BWH. LEX 10W and vert. ant. transmit FB sigs at ZEs QTH, and Chris says 6m was open over the weekend to the Carolinas, Georgia, and Tennessee. KFW watched his swag lamp to a `swinging number during last Saturdays EQ. WIUs nerves were frayed as Cory `rocked & rolled abt in Westminster during the event! And WIU informed Ops abt an interesting steam engine & tractor event in Vista. HHC asks Cory to bring a copy of the Wouf Hong photo to the Club Bfast. AF6C thought the Sylmar EQ. was stronger than the Hector event last Sat. BWHs relatives in Yucca Valley suffered a power outage, but all else was fine. And Bob aired Newsline #1157 We learned that corporate profits, and injury liability are limiting affordable repeater sites to Amateurs! WOX is glad to be bk on 2m once agn. And AF6C compliments Cory on her artistic abilities in providing the RettySnitch & Wouf Hong props. IXN experiences troubles wid E-mail on the new computer. And UBK will soon leave fer Wyoming and a new job! HHC offers to help IXN wid his computer problems, and Ken says he has sum new patio cracks after the EQ. VDP tunes to 145.300 fer the latest EQ. news last Sat. And Larry says he might hve sum new cracks in the walls. UCH & HHC watched water slosh frm their swimming pools, as Diane saw her roses get an unintentional watering! WIU, UCH and IXN discuss a new reservoir between Hemet & Temecula.
10/27/1999 10m Phone Net W6ZE/AF6C checks in VDP, IXN, and HHC. Other Ops are off watching the World Series! VDP keeps one eye on the TV as Atlanta is still behind the Yanks, and HHC & AF6C welcome IXN to the Internet and E-mail. Ops can find IXNs new E-mail adr on the Club webpage. IXN misses the name of the `neat lil device AF6C was mentioning to HHC. And Ken gets the Wouf Hong pix ready to go up on the Web Page Sorry non-Wouf Hongers Only Wouf Hong members who know the secret password can view them! IXN and HHC discuss the excellent USGS webpage at: And AF6C tries in vain to raise NOT, whose attention is probably centered on the new harmonic!
10/27/1999 2m Phone Net W6ZE/IXN checks in WOX, UCH, HHC, WIU, BWH, VDP, and UBK (fer the last time!). Del moves to Wyoming & a new job next week. WOX and harmonic went out fer din-din tonite at Carrows, where Art sampled sum delicious strawberry lemonade! The XYL was still at work! HHC enjoyed the pumpkin-carving contest at work. And Ken tnx UCH & WIU fer Wouf Hong pix, etc. I XN tnx WIU fer the NetZero disks which Bob successfully installed on the new computer. And UCH gives HHC the proper spelling of `RettySnitch! VDP tells Ops not to ferget the ham radio program frm Quito, Ecuador at 9.745 MHz at 0430 hrs Wed. eves. And VDP says to drill the solder out of the holes of a coax connector before heating the center pin to remove the wire! UBK will travel to Wyoming ahead of the XYL, who is remaining here to hve foot surgery before her departure. BWH checks in mobile, and airs Newsline #1158 after arriving at the QTH We heard abt hams who helped a hospital widout enuf emergency power after the Hector Mine EQ.