6/04/2003 2M Phone Net W6ZE/IXN
checked in JD, KTS, JD, CCD, KFW, HHC, AF6C, WA6BSV(Carl), and VKZ. JD & HHC set up a 2m station fer VKZ, and JD
said that VKZ shud check into Net tonite!
AF6C alerted the Net to prepare fer sum changes in the By-laws soon. Bob is
prepared to distribute Anderson Power Pole connectors to OPs that ordered them. KTS agreed to help HHC wid FD letters to residents
close by the FD site, and David will be off fer a lil R&R. MPW, on call tonite, just got paged
73s all! CCD spent 2 hours cleaning the garage, then Tom
spilled the liquid wrench, much to the horror of the XYL! That reminded
IXN of his days working at the Quaker State Refinery in Oil City, PA.! KFW will be off on vacation June 22
The Club
generator must be picked up at the QTH before FD!
HHC will organize a generator crew
to pick up the generator. AF6C put out a call
fer OPs to help GZ put up a all wave dipole come Fri. afternoon at
6/11/2003 10M Phone
Net W6ZE/AF6C checked in IXN, KB1GZ, LDC, CCD, and HHC. IXN said that Calif has been seismically quiet this
week. GZ told AF6C that hell wait until week after next to raise the new
dipole ant. LDC,
not retired yet, busied himself having boxes of old business files shredded, and Larry
tried to load up on 10m while the amplifier was tuned to 15m! (Sound familiar, OPs?!) LDC also attended a grandharmonics HS
graduation in Las Vegas, leaving a donation, of course, to a casino
or two! HHC gave
comforting words to LDC on the mis-tuned amplifier, and Ken said that we need a 20m band
captain fer FD! CCD missed us on the first
go-around, but caught us during the second. IXN
asked AF6C fer a sneak preview of proposed changes to the By-laws.
6/11/2003 2M Phone Net
and MIG
Great check-in OPs! JD attended
the cops expo at the Orange Mall and got sum inquiries abt amateur radio! GZ said that there were only abt half the
exhibitors at the expo as last year. VDP said
that sigs fade in & out on the OCWN 40m CW Net on Sundays, but that sigs are always
copyable. Larry
also sold JSVs beam ant. to N6HC. MPW got 34 hrs overtime last week, nw Frank is enjoying
a lil R&R! On June 21, MPW & XYL
will be off to a small town, Rurapan, near Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico, fer sum more
vy near the cinder cone volcano, Paracutin!
VKZ checked in frm the resthome wid 5/9 sigs, saying that he still has sum
pain. LDC
will soon be off to Montana fer 5 weeks of fishing at Lake Hedgen, and Larry was glad to
see VKZ at the Club Bfast last Sat. morn. AF6C
will E-mail IXN info. on Bylaw proposals. HHC will hve RF Newsletter
done by the weekend. LEX finishes up his first
teaching year tomorrow, and is already looking forward to next Fall
but not before he
finishes a summer school session! AF6C
reminded all OPs abt the computer lock-down at the Red Cross at 7:00pm., and 7:00 pm. is
the new meeting start time! BWH said that
OCARO wud like
6/15/2003 OCWN 40M CW Net NCS/UEB is
glad to be back wid tnx to NCS/Ian last Sun. Rick
had a FB weekend at Dry Lake, es he is currently working on getting the logbook into EXCEL
to quickly find call signs. All OPs pass
around Happy Fathers Day, and VDP worked the VHF Contest yesterday, garnering 5 new
grids on 6m! KFW, still recuperating frm
hernia surgery, has postponed his bk East trip until after FD, and IB gave NCS a 429 in
Loomis, wid sig rpts improving to 549
Casey is running abt 60W to a ground-mounted
vertical. OIO overworked her computer and had
to pay big bucks to get it fixed es reload Norton. (UEB: Stop playing so many games, Ann
HI!) Wid breakfast on the horizon, NT checked
in amidst the June gloom on the Hill, giving IB in Loomis a 599 sig rpt! Hm!
Whats this?!
Our JIL/6 the
Gem of Irvine and OIO the Jewel of Garden Grove!
Tell us
more, OPs! RND flew in es flew out
wid a phone call forcing his 73s!
10M Phone Net W6ZE/AF6C checked in JD, LDC, GZ, IXN, CCD, and HHC. AF6C sent sum BDay presents bk to his sister near
Boston, and Bob mentioned that
2M Phone Net W6ZE/IXN checked in JD, MPW, HHC, VDP, AF6C, GZ, BSV, KFW,
BWH, and BGR(Joe). JD mentioned the Wouffhong
Ceremony, and, Club participation in the Orange County Fair
IXN asked for OP
volunteers and got volunteers: JD, AF6C, VDP, and MPW
Tnx, guys! MPW will be off
fer Mexico soon to see the grandparents and let the kids enjoy sum farm life. Frank gave HHC his E-mail adr as: . VDP
will set up something fer 80m during the night on FD, so that we can make contacts during
dead periods on other bands. AF6C has the
Anderson power pole connectors bagged and ready fer distribution at Fri. Club meeting. KFW has delayed his trip bk East to recup. frm
recent hernia surgery, so Chris will be attending FD.
BGR tried checking into Net wid his ant. setting vy close to the rig
entered the pwr supply and all we heard was motorboating.
Moving the ant. out in the yard solved the problem, and OPs mentioned
several ways for Joe to disguise his ant. BWH
aired Newsline file #1348
We heard that ARRL & the Dept. of Homeland Security
will work together for better national security wid training & accreditation for
Emergency Communications.
6/22/2003 OCWN 40M CW Net - NCS/UEB checked in IMW/6, KS6CW, IOA, IB, OIO, KFW,
NT, VDP, and RND
Nice check-in, OPs! UEB
finished his electronic log file and discovered a QSL response rate of only 63%! Rick will conduct the 7/13 Net, portable, frm
Ventura Co., grid square DM04IO
UEB will attempt to hear check-ins
If he cant,
then the 7/13 Net will be cancelled! IMW built
a new keyer, a Norcal kit fer $15!
Works FB!
(And tell Ann to stay away frm
hamburgers in the UK
HI HI!) CW,RST 599s
all arnd, enjoyed her two trips. Wid no choir
practice fer the season, Kathy will be wid us full time.
Roy gave all OPs 599s, and just
got bk frm Wyoming where it was snowing in Laramie! IOA,
frm Port Hueneme, has a FB morning at the shipwreck (of the La Janell?)
All stations
Must be the antenna in the water. HI HI!
IB is getting ready fer FD, so wont be on the Net nxt week. OIO said shell be eating fish & chips in
newspaper (instead of hamburgers) in the UK, and KFW goes QNX to do sum grandparent
duties. UEB, waiting fer a NT checkin, hears
RND quip, hes out looking fer goats!
VDP alerts all OPs to look fer W6ZE on FD, es check in on both SSB & CW
to give the Club sum points! RND is tired of
the June Gloom
He ready fer the sun anytime!
And NT tells RND there are
not lost goats now!
6/25/2003 10M Phone Net W6ZE/AF6C
checked in LDC, KB1GZ, CCD, IXN, HHC, and LNX. All OPs welcomed LNX to the low bands, congratulating
Matt on his recent upgrade. LDC had a garage
sale last Sun., donating anything he did not sell, and Larry spent today cleaning up the
ham shack. Right after FD, LDC is off to
Montana! GZ, wid hum frm an errant mike line,
will be a bachelor over FD weekend wid the XYL going bk East fer a relative BDay. CCD checked in then flew off to
din-din. IXN worked on a leaking water faucet
at the Convent, and typed a song sheet the rest of the afternoon. HHC is making up his FD list, and checking it
twice, as he thinks abt positions fer ground rods at the FD site. LNX checked into Net on his new dipole ant
in Orange had difficulty hearing Matt, probably due to his ant. orientation. IXN relayed between NC and Matt. And LNX will bring the SWR bridge for use at FD.
6/25/2003 2M Phone Net W6ZE/IXN
checked in LNX, GZ, LDC, KG6FZY(Craig), KFW, HHC, LEX, BSV, VDP, and BWH
check-in, OPs! LNX checked in wid a 5/8 wave
2m magmount, trying two different locations fer best sig rpts
best location
on dads old auto! GZ found an unsoldered
shield on the mike cable
Steve will call the company to determine the proper pin
connection. LDC repaired an open in a TV set
while working the Net. Then Larry repaired a
100ft. extension cord
(cut it in ½ and use the good 50 ft. section!) LDC said that he will bring KQ6LV, Dae Park, frm
Korea, to the FD site Fri. eve. LV wants to
join a radio club! KFW took the grandharmonic
fer swimming lessons today, and Chris said hell arrive at FD arnd 7:30-8:00am. HHC has been doing work expense reports while
working the Nets, and Ken requested a laptop computer fer logging duties at the 20m FD
site. LNX will ask his boss fer the loan of a
laptop for this purpose. LEX said everything
comes at once!
FD, summer school teaching, and night school credentials exams!
will bring his solar panel to FD, and gear fer 6m, 2m, and 70cm, horizontal & vertical
Then Chris requested to pay his Club dues on FD! VDP expressed interest in using LV fer CW
operations on FD, telling us that he will have 6m & 80m capabilities. BSV enjoyed the eyeball conversations at Club
Carl will be working a Race in Lucerne Valley early part of FD, and will
arrive at the FD site late Sat. night. BWH
aired Newsline File #1349
(Tnx, Bob!)
6/29/2003 OCWN 40M CW Net NCS/UEB
checked in JIL/6, W6ZE/KFW, NT, and RND. The
list was shorter this week due to FD operations! W6ZE
got sum points frm Rick and me and Ray and John!
Time to run off fer a Crispy Crème
Never got the treat
Sum guy went nuts in the local Albertsons and started
cutting people up wid a machete
At least one person died! UEB installed a ground rod for the station, but RND
didnt notice an improvement in sigs!
But Rick did give 4 FB contacts FD points,
as a 1D station, last nite! JIL/6, wondering
why UEB didnt operate battery power as a B station, got 21 contacts last
nite on the way to & from Getty Museum + one other C station as we drove
along. RND said that NT was dwn at the W6ZE FD
site, too. RND had a gud week wid 4 gigs
behind him!