10/2/2005 40M OCWN
checked in IMW/6, HKT, VDP, IB, KFW, KS6CW, GVG, OIO, RND, IXN, and NT. UEB was using his Clandestine
Compromise ant, a 20ft radiating element tied off to the side, and 3
Having tied the loose end of the vertical to the eaves of the house, the ant.
looks like an inverted L! IMWs
rig du jour is the HW-101, and Ian said today is the CW segment of the Fall Classic event
for old and homebrew gear. QRG on 7045 KHz,
etc. HKT had two gud days of dirt roading in
Laughlin last week, and Homer got a card frm KH6BB, the battleship
10/5/2005 10m Phone
Net - Today, the 15m
Net switched to 10m on 28.375 MHz. IXN was
listening but cud not transmit due to the rig's refusal to load on any frequency! CCD and JD chatted briefly on frequency, but left
before AF6C got home frm the Boeing Octoberfest
Bob was unable to get
home in time to assume NC duties
Some retired employees arrived late at the party and
Bobs time of departure was delayed! IXN
plans to revamp the shack wid a new rig, antenna, new power supply with meters, and an
independent SWR meter. OPs were off to watch
the Angel/Yankee playoffs!
10/5/2005 2m Phone
Net - W6ZE/IXN
checked in JD, VDP, AF6C, and N1AB. IXN
complained abt the things he must do, and the things he cant do, wid the new
FT-897D! AB only lit up three bars on
JDs rig, and
10/9/2005 OCWN 40m
checked in KFW, IMW/6, VDP, IB, GVG, KS6CW, KA6G, RND, IXN, and NT. The Net moved frm 7086.0 to 7086.5 to accommodate
Ians crystal controlled rig. UEB got
better sig reports on the antenna configuration, and Ricks harmonic took her college
entrance test fer the 2nd and final time! KFW
reported continuing house painting, ending wid a GO ANGELS!
HI! IMW, on Henry, tnxed the Net fer the
And Ian said the crystal was tuned at 7086 KHz, but it is high in Henrys
oscillator, wid IMW QRG Net freq. next time. VDP,
still sorting parts and doing yard work, said that Ian shud just pad his crystal wid a few
pf capacitor. IB will take the dogs out in the
woods today and get sum clean fresh air
Next week IB & SQL will go to Pacificon,
and IB told NC that the business trip was FB, but the air travel was awful! GVG, in Bonsall (Queen City of North San Diego
HI!), had a gud trip to
10/12/2005 10m
Phone Net - W6ZE/AF6C
checked in LDC, HHC, CCD, and IXN listening on the side.
LDC and Pauline will be attending a halloween party as Groucho and Harpo
And Larry and IXN like rigs wid knobs that turn
And LDC attended a
charity event wid the Elks at Palm Desert. HHC
and OPs are watching a pitching duel between the Angels & the Whitesox, and HHC and
AF6C gave IXN possible outlets for wire needed to construct a new seismometer antenna. AF6C got HHCs card, sent frm
10/12/2005 2m Phone
Net - W6ZE/IXN
checked in JD, CCD, KFW, VDP, MIH, HHC, and AF6C. IXN
heard all OPs FB tonite on the 10m Net, wid no QSB or QRN
And Bob discussed possible
outlets fer aluminum wire wid HHC & AF6C. JD
had baby sitting chores wid the two twin grandkids today, and the lil crawlers &
standups were into everything they cud reach! CCD,
gardening all day & wid sum jogging on the side, will be taking it easy tomorrow,
doing sum electronics work. KFW, finishing up
the house painting, was experiencing a high noise level noise tonite
squelch refused to squelch, and HHC suggested disconnecting the ant. to determine if the
problem is external, or internal in the rig. VDP,
wid a cockeyed 6m beam, is sorting parts in prep. fer the TRW Swapmeet at months
end. MIH, wid MIG in the background, said that
the CHOC Walk was vy successful
And Kevin was in the write-up in the Orange City News
in the OC Register! No need fer sunglasses in
Ireland said HHC!
Clouds and rain everywhere they went, so people stay in the pubs
and drink lots of Guiness!
And Ken said that there are 40 shades of green in Ireland. OPs offered to help IXN put up a new ant
is waiting fer it to arrive at the candystore!
And AF6C announced that his friend, KF6DTH, Gary Smith, a pilot, and former
Blue Angel, became a Silent Key in a recent plane crash!
AF6C then aired Newsline file #1469
Major PA electric utility drops BPL
after a 2 yr project
And, a Ham Radio Video Corps is suggested as a way to inform the
public about ham radio emergency services during disasters, etc
.What do you
Send comments to
And remember JOTA (Jamboree On The Air)
Oct 15 17
Tnx Bob!
10/16/2005 OCWN
40m CW Net NCS/UEB
checked in IMW/6, KFW, IB, HKT, KS6CW, KA6G, OIO, RND, VDP, IC, NT, and IXN. Wid a lil wind & sunny WX in
10/19/2005 10m Phone Net - W6ZE/AF6C checked in LDC, CCD, HHC, and IXN (on
the side). LDC hears NC better on the
horizontal ant., and Larry bought a new HD projection TV + service contract
LDC wud
like to hve an OCARC/Elks joint DXpedition sometime in Jan. or Feb., depending on the WX,
and Larry needs a new mike connector on the FT-690. AF6C
asked IXN when we raise his new ant. (ans. in 2m Net notes), and KF6YOL, Charmaine, will
try to be at the next Club Bfast
And AF6C burned sum logs in the fireplace Mon. eve.
to warm up the QTH. CCD said there hve been
sum 6m openings, and Tom worked
10/19/2005 2m Phone
Net - W6ZE/IXN checked in JD, VDP, HHC, AF6C, KG6MIG and
KG6MIH. IXN just discovered that they are
making his new ant. at MFJ at this time!
It will not be ready fer another 5 or 6
weeks! MIG & MIH, working on a project,
flew in and flew out. IXN, wid
AF6Cs sister in mind, talked wid Bob about the old wood dams in
10/23/2005 OCWN
40m CW Net NCS/UEB
checked in IMW/6, GVG, IB, KFW, KS6CW, KA6G, VDP, IXN, NT, IC, NXY, and HKT. NCS and OPs continued to notice a lil hum on
HKTs sigs, and, an echo effect on ICs sigs.
UEB is working way too much wid 16 hour days last week!
Rick hopes to
get sum time off next week! Ian enjoyed buying
too much tube stuffat the OCARC auction, and, IMW reported FB DX sigs on 17m
this morning. GVG is in fog this am at 1,000
10/26/2005 10m
Phone Net - W6ZE/AF6C
checked in HHC, CCD, IXN, ACT, and FMX. Closing
the roof on HHCs new convertable auto interferes wid the mobile rig ant
said that IMW bought AULs boat anchor at the Club auction, ie: the Russian tank rig
made by RCA in Canada. Ken reported that the Club netted $250+ dollars frm the
TNX fer ur participation, OPs! CCD
said it was gud to hear IXN bk on 10m, and Tom picked up an atomic clock at the auction,
and CCD & HHC briefly discussed the old Russian tank transceiver that Ian bought. AF6C was working on the old car, enjoying walking
wid the IPOD, and told IXN to download a PDF copy of the new rigs manual. ACT didnt make it to the auction
that Greg got food poisoning frm sum old sandwich spread left in the icebox fer sum time! FMX
had time enuf to tell all that IXNs new rig sounds FB, and then Paul got the call to
din-din. IXN got gud reports on the new rig,
heard AF6C announce an IPOD Newsline fer the 2m Net, and asked HHC if he wud be off skiing
wid snow in the High Sierras.
10/26/2005 2m Phone
Net - W6ZE/IXN
checked in N1AB, JD, HHC, and AF6C. AB will
wait until after the Club Nov. Bfast to work on the folded dipole and J-pole ants
AB & XYL plan to attend the Christmas dinner. HHC
will post Club Christmas Dinner info. on the website.
JD told HHC that the Watson RC will meet at 7:30 Fri. morning, and JD will
soon have a cataract removed
JD said Christmas dinner tickets sell fer $21 each. HHC again reported a $250+ OCARC profit frm the
auction, and Ken said that he, CCD, WZO & WZN are all skiers at Mammoth
(We can
just see the headlines
Mammoth RC Operates Mobile on Skiis!) And, HHC said that FD scores are up on the ARRL
Watch your QST magazine fer a hard copy.
AF6C said that cleaning a dirty slide switch fixed the errant microphone,
got his QSL cards frm Disneyland 50th Anniversary, and aired Newsline file
The Heil microphone PR-40, popular among hams, can now be found in the
broadcast industry
OCARC is recognized by Newsline fer its donation
Gud to hear
Andy, N6TCQ, doing a FB job fer Newsline
And Bob, AF6C, uses his IPOD to record &
air Newsline for the Net. Other IPOD users who
air Newsline are linked on
10/30/2005 40M OCWN CW Net - NCS/UEB
checked in IMW/6, HKT, IB, KFW, IC, KS6CW, KA6G, GVG, OIO, RND, VDP, IXN, NT, and NXY. UEB, hoping all enjoyed the extra hour of sleep,
alerted OPs to get on the FCC website and submit their comments regarding CW
The deadline is tomorrow! IMW
detected faint chirping, and it isnt on his sigs, says sigs are gud on a FB day, and
Ian is bugged by too many cats! HKT said if
his sigs are bad, hell send a steady sig after Net, widout key or keyer
Homer didnt see VDP at TRW yesterday. IB
had FB WX in the foothills after a few days of rain and clouds, and Casey will be glad
when the SSB Contest is done. KFW will be off
the air fer abt a month
Chris is painting and re-carpeting the QTH! ICs code speed is bk up to 15 wpm, wid a
goal of 20 wpm within a year, and Freds grandharmonic passed her driving license
test Thursday! CW, enjoying the extra hour of
sleep, attended the MTC meeting yesterday, passing along the FCC deadline fer filing
comments regarding Morse code testing. KA6G,
commenting on all getting their clocks turned bk one hour, told OPs that he must re-take
his driving test. And GVG, wid gud sigs on all
OPs in exotic Bonsall, is looking forward to a gud avocado crop! On Thursday, OIO had surgery on her right eye, wid
FB vision the result!
Then on Friday, Ann got a virus that wiped out her
Bummer! Last week, RND &
XYL flew up to Salt Lake City to visit their son on his 50th BD, then on
Saturday, the grandharmonic in Boise gave birth to a baby girl, making John & XYL
great-grans! NC, noting that OPs
had missed the official temp. report in RNDs absence, received an official temp. of
63.3 F. this morning frm John. VDP is kicked
bk enjoying the sunny WX and great band conditions, and IXN told OPs that Ian, at the
auction, picked up an old Russian tank transceiver made by RCA in Canada during the
Lend-Lease Program
Maybe we will hear it on the air!
NT will be contacting UEB when Ray gets the e-mail working on the computer,
and NT told OPs that today is gud fer a sunburn at the beach! NXY, QRP using 1 watt, reported gorgeous, sunny WX