3/01/2006 10m Phone Net - W6ZE/AF6C checked
in IXN, XO, MIH, and CCD. IXN announced a new slow
speed CW Net which meets on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am local time, on 7.084 MHz. AF6C temporarily stopped a leak from the hot water
tank. IXN suggests Bob check out Home Depot
for a new tank & installation. XO &
IXN both have replaced their hot water tanks twice in 30 years, and XO said that he
replaced an old freezer, cutting his electric bill in half!
And Bob said the XYL is
still hving back problems. MIH, tuning around
on 10m, found the Net, and CCD checked in late suffering his 3rd cold of the
season, and CCD reminded OPs not to forget the Club Bfast come Sat., just before the XYL
called Tom fer din-din.
3/01/2006 2m Phone Net - W6ZE/IXN checked
in MIH, JD, AUL, AF6C, KI6CGM(Don), MIG, and KI6BBU(Steve).
MIH said that Cliff was away on a job interview, and JD, finished wid
shopping and a doctors appointment, is thinking abt sum apple pancakes hell
devour at the Jaegerhaus Restaurant at the Club Bfast come Sat. AF6C debated whether he would air ARNewsline, or,
ARRL news
Bob can now download both files for presentation on the Nets. AUL checked in wid static on his sigs
suspects a loose wire or connection. CGM
flew in and flew out, and BBU checked in wid gud sigs frm Newport
Steves QTH is in Bear Lake.
3/05/2006 OCWN
40m CW Net NCS/UEB
checked in IMW, KFW, VDP, OIO, NXY, KS6CW, RND, IXN, NT, and IC. IMW, wid monster sigs frm NT at the beach, must fix the
tent and find a few hamsticks fer the desert trip. KFW,
hearing RND on 20m CW the other day, used the rain last week to stay inside and work sum
CW & PSK-31. VDP, hving fun working the
Contest and collecting new prefixes, said that 15m is hot!
OIO saw a great presentation on the latest way to do train spotting by radio
& computer
For train buffs, its a lot of fun!
NXY said the rain and snow came dwn to the 2500 Ft. level, but it melted
fast. CW, a train buff, enjoyed Anns FB
item on train spotting. RND enjoying the rain
& hoping fer more, gave an official temp. of 54.1 deg. F. IXN put OCWN Net Notes up on the OCARC website at, and NT, still hving trouble finding things
after the move, has been working sum DX stations
Upon NC request, NT said the DX ant.
consists of a piece of thin wire about 45 ft. long, 9 ft. high at one end, 6 ft. high at
the near end, and fed via a tuner! IC &
XYL had the grandkids over so the parents can celebrate their anniversary.
3/08/2006 10m
Phone Net W6ZE/AF6C
checked in LDC, HHC, and IXN. LDC may be
shopping fer a beam ant. on E-Bay, has lost abt 15 lbs and losing, and has joined the
Valley Fitness Club! HHC has a list of
equipment, fer a proposal in July, that will be needed fer future Baker-to-Vegas Runs, and
Ken now has trouble keeping up wid the son & grandson on the Mammoth ski runs
also said that 8 OCARC members attended the Orange PD Baker-to-Vegas meeting, and, Ken
will be stationed in Pahrump during the Run
And AUL helped Ken wid software problems
on an old Windows 95 computer. IXN updated OPs
on the new 10th planet in the solar system, and AF6C mentioned a new ham and a
gud turn-out at the Club Bfast. AF6C will also
air the new ARRL Audio News after 2m Net.
3/08/2006 2m
Phone Net W6ZE/IXN
checked in AB, JD, HHC, AF6C, AUL, and KFW. AB
has been busy wid house chores, traveling to
3/12/2006 OCWN
40m CW Net UEB, wid
wildly varying SWR problems, had IMW relay a request for RND to assume NC duties
Ricks reception was affected
Further testing will follow to isolate the
problem! Acting NC/RND checked in IMW, CW,
3/15/2006 10m Phone Net - W6ZE/AF6C checked
in CCD, HHC, IXN, and MIH. AF6C will air ARRL
Audio Newsline on the 2m Net, and CCD, wid a visiting friend, visited the huge Queen Mary
And OPs offered condolences to Tom, on the loss of his mother at age 92, before
Tom was called to din-din. HHC, garnering a
couple more countries on PSK-31, helped AUL get his antenna repaired
Ken then told
OPs that DLA had a hip replacement operation this week, and has since been heard on the
bands! IXN gave sum statistics abt the black
hole at the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and, AF6C went to lunch wid Mark, afterwards
repairing a dirty contact connector to restore Marks R-2000 rig bk to operation, and
Bob told OPs that his sister will be visiting in a couple of weeks. MIH is finishing his project and write-up fer his
Eagle Scout award, and Kevin plans to bring his GPS to Club meeting Fri. nite.
3/15/2006 2m Phone Net - W6ZE/IXN checked
will soon be an Eagle Scout after his Board of Review, and OPs offered congrats. to Kevin! JD will attend the Watson Radio Club
bfast come Fri. morning. HHC garnered three
new countries, Spain, New Zealand, and Italy, over the weekend HHC also
telling OPs that WB6NOA will receive special recognition at the Dayton Hamvention for his
contributions to amateur radio, is looking forward to Gordos presentation at Friday
Club meeting
HHC also has posted March RF on the website, and JD said
that DLA is in St. Joseph Hospital
Check the COAR repeater to see if Bruce is
monitoring! AUL flew in and flew
out. KFW is looking fer sum 125 mfd
electrolytic capacitors, and AF6C told Chris to check out Digikey
IXN remembered the
old Sprague electrolytics which are now archaic. DLA
may be released frm the hospital on Friday, and AF6C aired the ARRL Audio News
has finally told the Manassas, VA, BPL, that their operations must meet Part 15 Rules
Tnx, Bob! NCS forgot to recognize
CCE before the ARRL news
(old age, Kenan, sri, IXN)!
3/22/2006 10m
Phone Net W6ZE/AF6C
checked in IXN, LDC, and HHC. LDC will send
AF6C & IXN a list of foods that dogs shouldnt eat.
AF6C, cleaning out the garage, found an old 811A transmitting tube, and IXN
has a oudin coil that generates a 600KV pressure using two 811s in push-pull
And AF6C
suggests that LDC give the dog a bowl of COJs chili to remove a bowl
blockage of paper frm the dogs intestines after it ate sum candy bars it found in
LDCs briefcase
HI! HHC said an OP
wid sum old Navy gear contacted him, hving found us in World Radio Magazine
He wants
to give the old gear a new home!
Any takers? AF6C
mentioned a So. CA. Antique Radio Assoc., and Ken said that DLA is in a rehab center in
3/22/2006 2m
Phone Net W6ZE/IXN
checked in JD, VDP, N1AB, HHC, KFW, and AF6C. JD
stayed in out of the rain last week, and VDP mentioned that Ray, W6NT, is familiar wid old
gear, too. VDP garnered
3/26/2006 OCWN 40m CW
Net NCS/UEB checked in IMW, HKT, OIO, IC, IB, KA6G, KS6CW, RND, NT, IXN,
and NXY. UEB remedied his RF problems
by replacing exposed feedline PL-259 connectors
And Rick had a gud time at Borrego
Springs last Sunday, hearing most stations at Net check-in!
IMW, wid 599 sigs frm HKT, has been upgrading the PC, it now has tube sound
HI! HKT saw VDP at TRW on Sat., and Homer picked up a
40m hamstick to go wid the 20m that he plans to use on the next desert trip
will take the ICOM 706 and try to work Net frm the truck if he is away on a Sunday. OIO didnt get to XC last week. The road was too icy fer Anns friend to come
up, and wid 8 of powder on the road, Ann had a interesting drive dwn the hill on
Monday! Now IC knows why he doesnt live
in the mountains
And stomach flu kep Fred away frm TRW this week. IB, absent frm
the Net, said his mom had been vy sick and that she passed away on last Sunday evening. KA6G flew
in and flew out. KS6CW, wid the cable TVs bad connections all
fixed, was soory to hear abt Caseys mom. RND,
sorry to hear abt IBs mom, finished reading a gud book, Marley and Me,
about a dog, which John recommended fer dog lovers
RND used to hve 3 big dogs! Overcast and not a gud day fer beaching, NT
checked in frm the burg by the bay
Ray worked an OP in Africa on 7 MHz during the SSB
And NT was soory to hear abt Caseys loss. IXN offered
Casey condolences on his moms passing, and IXN & brother Lee will be up in
3/29/2006 10m Phone Net - W6ZE/AF6C checked
in LDC, IXN, JD, HHC, and WA6OUE(Mike). LDC
&XYL got their dog bk frm the Vet, and JD heard OUE FB. IXN cudnt copy
OUEs sigs dwn in the QRN at IXNs shack
Mike was probably working Bob off
the end of the dipole. AF6C recommends reading
James Pattersons book, Honeymoon, to OPs, and Bob will hve ARNewsline ready fer
airing on the 2m Net. HHC has a Diamond 2m ant
ready fer Baker-to-Vegas, and Ken renewed membership wid the ARRL, and, received his 1st
issue of QEX magazine which has an interesting article on an all-horizon antenna. Hit-man HHC and hatchet-man WWK cleverly cajoled
AF6C into joining the COAR Baker-to-Vegas communications group, and OUE will be in a
follow car between Baker & Shoshone. IXN,
AF6C, and HHC discussed late BPL news that was listed in QST magazine.
3/29/2006 2m Phone Net - W6ZE/IXN checked
in JD, CCD, AUL, KFW, HHC, AF6C, and OUE. JD
will await HHCs arrival at the QTH tomorrow afternoon to pick up a power supply fer
the Baker-to-Vegas Run, and CCD, din-din and the dishes done, measured 1 ½ in. of rain in
the rain guage today. AUL had strong sigs
Nicolas thinks the rain improved ground conductivity. KFW, confirming AULs strong sigs, worked sum
PSK-31 on 20m wid QSB. HHC, working on
anti-virus changeover at the saltmine all day, tested an APRS 2m Diamond ant.
tonite, and Ken told AUL that the OP wid the old Navy rig has made no further contact! AF6C, wid rain & wind interference while painting a rack to hold a radio,
must now find rubber feet for the rack
And Bob remembered a gud buddy who was killed
in a plane crash on Mar. 28 a few years bk
Then Bob aired AR-Newsline file
The next solar sunspot cycle will be 30 to 50% stronger than the 1958 cycle,
and, amateur radio will not be under Homeland Security, it will remain within the Wireless
Communications Bureau
Concerned abt interest in Science & Radio, Canada is now
considering an entry level license!
And, Mississippi is the 22nd state to
sign a bill reasonably accommodating ham antennas in accordance with PRB-1!
Tnx, Bob!