11/4/2009 10m Net W6ZE/AF6C
checked in IXN and HHC. The
Yankees/Philadelphia game kept OPs glued to their TVs!
AF6C & HHC both attended the Club Halloween potluck at the PEQ QTH last
And great costumes added to the mystery of the Event! To remember the H1N1 (swine flu) virus, IXN renamed
it the hini flu! HHC is still
configuring his new laptop (Windows 7) computer. AF6C, wid one eye on the World Series
game, tells IXN that he will air the ARRL Audio News on the 2m Net.
11/4/2009 2m Net W6ZE/IXN
checked in YHX, HHC, KJ6BBS(Chris), KI6RRZ(Tim), and AF6C.
YHXs Darth Vader costume was a great success at Orange Park
Acres!...And Corey will make some improvements on it for next year. HHC had trouble figuring out who The Witch
Doctor and The Grim Reaper were at the Club Halloween Potluck!...And HHC
& Diane did away wid 13 bags of candy to T&Ters on Halloween, and they still ran
out of candy!...And Ken has run into a lil truble setting up email on the new
laptop. IXN copied HHC abt 3 S-units dwn on
10m tonite, and KJ6BBS, Chris, checked in frm
11/11/2009 10m
Phone Net W6ZE/AF6C
checked in YHX, FKX, YCJ, IXN, CF, and HHC. YHX
now has his 10m antenna up six feet higher on a tower, and IXN said that S wave arrival
time p wave arrival time, or, (S-P) x 8 km/sec, will give a good estimate of the
DISTANCE of the recording seismometer from the focus of an earthquake. FKX checked in for the 1st time on 10m
using the Clubs TS450S, using an inverted V ant., wid 5/9 sigs! AF6C that check-ins to the 10 & 2m Nets will
get a new Club QSL card when they arrive! YCJ
mentioned the Club Christmas dinner & party at Jaegerhaus on Dec. 11, and Ken must now
replace a 12 yr old auto radiator that sprung a leak!
HHC is rearranging shack equipment to make room for a digital ATV station,
and Ken now has Kristins flier for the Club Christmas Dinner. CF flew in to announce his return frm a
business trip, then el Presidente flew away.
11/11/2009 2m
Phone Net W6ZE/IXN
checked in YHX, YCJ, FKX, HTW, CF, AF6C, and HHC. YHXs
10m ant. is now up 19 ft 5 in. FKX is dealing
wid sickness at the QTH, playing radio, and hoping to get out in the field to check out
folded rock layers in
11/18/2009 10m
Phone Net
W6ZE/W6HHC assumed NC duties fer AF6C whose xmitter refused to transmit on 28.375 MHz just
before Net! HHC checked in W6YHX and WB6IXN,
wid AF6C listening on the side. YHX picked up
a book on digital amateur radio at the past Club auction.
HHC is having fun communicating wid VK3REV, an Aussy ham, by email abt
DATV!...And Ken observed YHXs new antenna as he drove by Coreys QTH
HHC reminded OPs abt NOAs talk at Club meeting Fri. eve. IXN & HHC discussed the Clubs 1st
place finish, in Class 9A, in the Nation fer Field Day
Congratulations, OPs! AF6Cs rig flew south on 10m so
Bob will dust off the old Heathkit rig and see if it still works!
11/18/2009 2m
Phone Net
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in KE6YHX, AF6C, W6HHC, AF6CF, KJ6BBS, and K6EVX. Since OPs and others are using the Club Webpage to
make contact with Club members, all check-ins from this point on will be listed by their
full calls, wid the suffix used in the text. IXN
will be up in the San Jacinto Mts. next Wed., and Bob announced that a new MFJ Scanner is
available which will pick up USGS seismometers in the government frequencies. YHX said the new antenna is up 24 ft. 2 ¼ in. AF6C was able to hear up to 22 MHz on the VHF rig,
but no higher
might be a dead oscillator!...And Bob got a vy gud report frm his eye
doc! HHC said Bruce, KC6DLA, is
cavorting arnd the Pacific on a 2-month tour, visiting such exotic places as
Tonga, Western Samoa, etc
Hell be back wid us by the end of Nov. All OPs were delighted wid the Club Field Day
scores listed in the Dec. issue of QST! Congrats
on a job well done, OPs! CF had the flu last
week but is better this week, and El Presidente announced the upcoming elections for a new
Board. BBS, Chris, got his Gen. Class license
on Nov. 14 and is now working DX on the HF bands
Congrats, Chris!...And BBS worked
Missouri on 17m frm a soccer field in Irvine! EVX
asked NC to repeat info. on a new scanner offered by MFJ.
AF6C then aired the Nov. 12 ARRL Audio News at 21:14 hrs. local time
said that 2010 WRTC will be held outside
11/25/2009 10m
Phone Net
W6ZE/W6HHC checked in WA6VJG(Vince), AF6CF, AF6C, and KE6YHX. IXN and Lee were up in the
11/25/2009 2m
Phone Net Wid IXN
up in the mountains, W6ZE/KE6YHX, Corey, assumed NC duties
And Corey did a great job
as NC!...Tnx, Corey! W6ZE/YHX checked in
W6HHC, AF6CF, AF6C, and W6FKX. The upcoming
Club Christmas Dinner & prizes caught OP attention.
AF6C & HHC briefly discussed Bobs old Heathkit xmitter that Bob is
using on 10m, and HHC continues projects wid ADTV. To
check on Club Christmas Dinner info., go to
. AF6CF will take a trip to