10m Phone Net
W6JTT, and W6NKU
Nice check-in, OPs! HC
reported a very successful, good times T32C DXpedition, and HHC is project manager for a
new DATV worldwide project
Well be watching for an article on the project in a
future Newsletter!...And Ken & Diane managed to dispense 12 bags of candy to trickers
& treaters! YHZ put together some
battery packs, and HHC told Corey to check EBay for ATV receivers. HC said the T32C was the best DXpedition
ever!...And we look forward to Arnies T32C presentation to the Club! DNR did not have many halloweeners, but Bob will be
NC for the 2m Net tonite! AF6C welcomes Frank,
W6NKU, to the Net, and Bob Ops express their
desires to keep the 2m Net on 146.550 Simplex, where the Net has been held for about the
past 20 years!...Bob got a package of parts from Allied Electronics, and he announced a
light duty tower for sale (horizontal in his backyard!)
AE checked in mobile & is now at the QTH
Carl got a CA drivers
license, and, he was 56 years young yesterday
Happy BD, Carl! AE also talked wid an old friend, W8ERN, in
Michigan, on 21.410 MHz. VEN, wid a few kids
for Halloween, moved his antennas a bit higher, now has gud DX, and had an encounter wid a
falling tree branch! YCJ flew in and
flew out, and IXN had bad QRN on the Net tonite, and, he is learning how to use
flash cards on the computer. JTT had about 20
kids show up for Halloween, otherwise it was a quiet nite.
And Ops welcomed Frank, W6NKU, in Orange, to the Net.
2m Phone Net
KE6YHX, KJ6OML, and N2CNC/m. HHC enjoyed the
very successful Club Auction, and Ken welcomed Arnies news of a successful T32C
DXpedition! AE is keeping a stray rabbit from
the apartment comlex as he looks for its owner
Carl, it is not a BD present
worked the 10 & 20m bands last week. CF is
revamping the shack, gave all Ops gud sig reports, and has a new HF antenna. AF6C announced 2 towers fer sale, no SA winds, and
a slight chance of rain tomorrow. IXN had high
QRN on 10m tonite, and Bob said the new fault EQ model is coming along FB, and he watches
the Jet Stream to see what WX is coming our way
Bob also, on behalf of OCARC, TNX
both Corey, KE6YHX, and Bob, K6DNR, for volunteering for NC duties! FKX enjoyed the FB Club Auction, and Doug also
enjoys the geology field trips wid his students. Gene,
OML, checked in wid popping sigs and we missed most of his transmission. Atlee, N2CNC, checked in mobile. And, we welcomed KI6KRZ, Ken, to the Net.
10m Phone Net
W6ZE/AF6C checked in KE6YHX, WB6IXN,
Nice check-in, OPs! AF6C spent time at the Braile Institute repairing
Talking Books, and YHX solved his WX station power supply problem & awaits our next
storm for a test run! IXN read a small blurp
on unsychronized time clocks in an experiment wid neutrinos which showed that neutrinos
could travel faster than the speed of light! JTT
had QRN on all OPs but BJZ who was loud & clear
Then Robbie kicked back
to listen to the rest of the Net. HHC &
AF6C & IXN talked about differences & advantages of linear power supplies vs
switching power supplies, and HHC said the next issue of he Club Newsletter will be up on
the Website by the weekend. HTW will be at the
Club Bfast come Saturday, and Hank will be off to the Quartzite rockhound event wid the
XYL soon. UX reported 220 sunspots as Jeff
tunes up for the European RTTY Contest this weekend, and, UX & IXN cud not hear AF6CF
thru the QRN! DNR was down in the QRN until
Bob increased his power
Then his sigs were FB! AE
did a lil job seeking on the computer and said that Dee was now comfy reading a
2m Phone Net
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in W6GMU, K6DNR, W6JTT, AF6CF, N8AE, KE6YHX, KJ6LHA, and
KG6OML. El Presidente GMU has been enjoying
10m DX, especially a gud contact wid DJ6ZM outside Munich!...Club elections just around
the corner
Think about running for Club office! DNR
enjoys great 10m DX, and JTT works 10m CW on a path NE to SW, also toward Japan and South
America! AF6CF reoorted that the slate of
officers for 2012 Club officers is about complete. AE
has been out at Lake Elsinore watching some parachute gliding, and, Carl listed some
restaurants that will provide free or reduced price meals for veterans before, during, and
after Veterans Day! YHX wants to raise
up the Ringo Ranger antenna, and, Corey is completing power supply work for the sound
system and seismometer projects, and Corey awaits rain to test the completed WX station. LHA flew in & flew out, and OML had
gud sigs tonite from Garden Grove
REMEMBER, Net Controls for both the 10m & 2m
10m Phone Net
W6ZE/AF6C checked in W6HHC,
AF6C and DLA repaired Talking Books at Braille Institute today. Bob
announced nominations for Club Offices is still open!
IXN is looking for two young hams hams to help put new guy ropes on his
vertical antenna. UX makes improvements wid
the DX software, and Jeff will use his computer to decode high speed CW in contests. HHC is still getting component boards for a DATV
project, and Ken said that a Christmas Dinner ticket will cost $26
The Party is
scheduled for Dec. 9. IXN finished his fault
model for earthquakes, and he got the old frayed guy lines off the vertical antenna. JTT had minor fading at IXNs QTH, and Sam is
in the process of removing vines from the antenna. YHX
had broken sigs until Corey tightened loose connections, thus solving the problem. IXN
cud hear people talking in the background when DNR checked into the Net after his RACES
Net, and, bob will attend Fri. nite Club meeting. AE said that XYL, Dee, is comfy in front
of the TV reading a book, and Carl helped out wid ham communications on the Queen Mary
today. HC checked into Net after returning
home from din-din at Don Joses Restaurant where Arnie is a member of the Birthday
HC was busy wid professional work last week.
2m Phone Net
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in KE6YHX, N8AE, KJ6LHA, K6DNR, W6UX, W6HHC, W6JTT, KJ6OML, and
Bob, AF6C. YHX constructed a lighter battery
pack, and Corey will view IXNs fault model at Club meeting Fri. eve. AE and XYL, Dee, will attend Club meeting Fri. eve
& Dee expect company in frm Iowa soon! LHA
lighted all bars on IXNs rig as Steve told OPs hes preparing a first aid and
food boxes. DNR also checked in wid 5 by 9
sigs, and UX is thinking abt chasing DX wid a rotatable beam antenna! HHC talked about a hamfest in Europe and 10m DX
improvement wid increasing sunspots!...VNI worked Deleware and Denmark, mobile, from a
parking lot! JTT had much better sigs on 10m
after his harmonic stripped morning glory vines off the feedline & antenna! OML checked in 5 by 9 at NCs QTH. AF6C worked the Net on the HT, and Bob is looking
for Newletter articles for Dec RF!...Both IXN & AF6C invite OPs to volunteer for NC
duties for a future Net for either 10m or 2m or both.
10m Phone Net
W6ZE/AF6C checked in W6UX, AF6CF, K6DNR, W6HHC, W6JTT, KE6YHX, and K6JRW(Dick). YHX experienced feedline connector problems and UX
got a new beam. Dick, JRW, lives in N. Tustin. IXN & Lee were in the San Jacinto Mts, and, we
wish all OPs a gud TG!
2m Phone Net
W6ZE/KE6YHX checked in W6GMU, W6JTT, AF6C, AF6CF, KJ6LHA, W6HTW, and K6RBS. We thank Corey for NC duties
IXN and brother,
Lee, were up in the San Jacinto Mts. enjoying a beautiful 5-day TG vacation! GMU & CF. We
welcomed Richard, K6RBS, to the Net who explained the QRN that GMU and CF were
experiencing, and, a CW call sign was given for a TG T-Hunt.
LHA & AF6C, and HTW all had gud sigs, and we hope all Net OPs had a nice
10m Phone Net
W6ZE/AF6C checked in WB6IXN, K6CCD, KB6CJZ, W6HHC, AF6CF, NI6E, N8AE, and KE6YHX. AF6C was busy wid projects and is arranging the RF
Newsletter for this month. If Bobs sister gets here from the East coast, she will
attend the Christmas Party! Bob and NI6E discussed the new glass-impregnated wood
that is termite proof which Bob may use in a new gate.
CCDs XYL is doing FB after receiving a new shoulder, and congrats,
Tom, on receiving your XTRA class ticket!
IXN warned OPs that San Sevaine seismometer was warbling in high Santa Ana Winds
and to keep an eye on their antennas! HHC said
that IXNs sigs were much better after N8AEs magic touch renewing guy-lines on
Bob.s vertical!...(Many tnx, Carl!) HHC said
that G4GUO will soon receive the new DATV Boards for programming software, and AF6CF
reported low sigs from CJZ tonite, and, CJZ plans to attend the Club Christmas Partyas
Robbie looks forward to completion & programming of the new DATV boards. Beer was a topic for AF6C & NI6E plus food at
the Christmas Party. YHX will take the ailing
YAESU rig to the radio doctors tomorrow and Corey warned OPs against high Santa Ana Winds.
11/30/2011 2m Phone Net W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in KE6YHX, KJ6LHA, W6MD, N8AE, W6HHC, AF6C, KJ6OML, KF6EVX, AF6CF, and KI6WZU. IXn TNXed AE for helping to put new guy-line on the vertical, and YHX warned OPs to take guard against forcast hign Santa Ana Winds! LHA, no RACES Net tonite has his traveling shoes out ready to go. I believe W6MD, Chuck, who has company in at the QTH, asked for help wid an antenna, his email: AE, munching on taco chips, had a gud day fishing at Laguna Niguel Now Carl has more fish for the freezer! HHC & IXN discussed San Sevaine seismometer location, and AE & HHC discussed salt water fishing & past Club summer fishing trips. Like IXN, OML has been enjoying cool WX in the San Jacinto Mts. CF & XYL enjoyed a TG trip to Phoenix, AZ., coming back on Saturday.