W6ZE/AF6C checked in KE6YHX, WB9YCJ, KJ6OML, W6HHC, WB6IXN, and W6ATB. YHX had bad push-to-talk mike switch…solution…change microphones!...And Corey said the new roof is progressing nicely. YCJ, looking forward to Field Day and the new baseball season, now works Fri. evenings and can’t make Club meetings…Planning on whale watching off San Diego, Ken forgot his glasses and ended up at HRO in San Diego instead! AF6C woke up under the WX this morning leaving ‘reading book repairs’ at Braille Institute to OML who completed repairs on 5 units wid lots more to do. And AF6C said the TS-140-S, being used on the Net tonite, is ready to loan out to some ‘rigless’ Club member. IXN fixes a broken porch light and says OML’s sigs are 5/9 at the QTH. HHC brought YCJ up-to-date on the 1st CORE meeting on FD, said Newsletter will be ready by weekend, enjoyed the super bowl game last weekend, and said XYL Diane was off to the Gem Show in Tuscon. ATB was 5/9 at IXN’s QTH, has a new email address, is retired but runs a police bike siren business on the side.
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in KJ6OML, KE6YHX, KJ6MLN, KE7RXD, KJ6LHA, AF6C, W6JTT, NR6Z, W6ATB, KJ6UJA, and N6NBV/m. OML is using an Eagle DX ant. wid gud sig reports. YHX, wid the WX station working well, gave OPs the current WX report. RXD, Loren, got the Heil headset adjusted and working well. Carey, KJ6MLN, checked in wid 5/9 sigs, and LHA also had 5/9 sigs. IXN said Disneyland stock had a price increase and UJA reported on Disneyland adventures. NR6Z, in Garden Grove, checked into Net wid 5/9 sigs, and JTT resurrected an old HT-41 linear amplifier wid a bad final tube…AF6C reminded Sam that the finals must be balanced! ATB, using 5 Watts, had 5/9 sigs at IXN’s QTH, and NBV/m reported 7 deg. WX back in Chicago where he talked wid a friend on 17m in a 45 min. QSO.
W6ZE/KE6YHX, wid intro. By AF6C, assumed NC duties. YHX checked in AF6C, WB9YCJ, KJ6OML, WB6IXN, N6NBV/m, W6ATB, N6HC, KR6J, N8AE, KE6RDR, and W6JTT…Nice checkin, OPs! AF6C’s sister just arrived in town so Corey relieved Bob of NC duties. YHX is ready fer Valentine’s Day tomorrow, will be testing out emergency response times, and is making plans to attend Field Day! YCJ, looking forward to baseball and FD, is busy doing paperwork at the QTH. HHC reminds OPs about Club meeting Friday, announce plans for a ‘super Field Day’ for the Club’s 80th Anniversary, and said the Yahoo FD Group now has 18 members. OML plans one day at OCARC FD, and another day in San Diego at another FD site. KR6J checks in QRP, ups power later wid S9 sigs, and tells us that he has been hired by the San Diego Sheriff’s Dept. So Kenan & family will soon be making a move! SE said Dee, UZE, has a bad cold, talked wid a gud friend in Michigan on 21.295 MHz, and made a couple of contacts on 10 & 12 meters. HC says HI to AE & KR6J. DNR checked in after the RACES Net and ‘flew in and flew out’. N6NBV/m ‘flew in & flew out’. Dan, KE6RDR, in Phelan, CA., was down in the QRN at IXN’s QTH. JTT also was weak at IXN’s QTH.
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in W6JTT, KJ6LHA, KJ6UJA, KE6YHX, KJ6OML, W6ATB, K6DNR, KE7RXD(Loren), and N6HBO(Alan, Bill). JTT, arriving at a gun show in Prescott, AZ., discovered that they had sold everything! LHA for some reason was not allowed to check into the Field Day Yahoo Group!...And UJA is progressing well wid chemo. OML did a few machines at Braille Institute (FB Gene!), and YHX and IXN briefly discussed a ‘Teach Yourself Calculus’ book. ATB checked in wid 5/9 sigs as was DNR’s sigs. RXD asked about any Club members who might be involved wid ‘D-Star’…We’ll check it out Friday night at Club meeting. N6HBO has a vanity call and listed his QTH a San Diego County…However Alan is listed as Bill in Oceanside, CA.!
W6ZE/AF6C checked in KE6YHX, KJ6OML, WB6IXN, W6HHC, W6JTT, K6DNR, and N6HC. AF6C’s sister is happy wid the laptop after Bob installed new memory, and Bob’s QTH shook Friday from a mysterious cause! And AF6C continues to work on the gain control in the TS-140. And YHX uses an infrared module as a remote control. OML, DLA, and AF6C repaired a lot of Talking Books for Braille Institute today citing troubles wid NiCad battery terminals. HHC & IXN enjoyed K7JA’s antenna presentation at last Club meeting, and Ken said a friend, KC6OCD, in NYC, will be back Sunday…And Ken will miss next FD meeting…He’ll be taking Diane to a social event. JTT, 57 deg. At the QTH, got a new 4-pole coaxial switch, and DNR, in from the RACES Net, kicks back to listen to the Net. AF6C will carpool wid Arnie, HC, to the FD meeting come Friday…Arnie will pick up Bob at 6:15pm.
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in K6DNR, KE6YHX, KJ6OML, W6JTT, KE7RXD/m, KF6HCD, AF6C, KJ6MLN, N6NBV, KJ6YOH(David), and KK6BCQ(Jeremy)…Nice check-in, OPs! DNR checks in and ‘kicks back’ to listen to the Net, and YHX will investigate his new INTRAS infrared TR module. OML enjoyed K7JA’s antenna presentation at last Club meeting, and JTT, wid a slight cough, almost got caught in the snow storms in the San Jacinto Mts. RXD/m can’t break into a local repeater. Ken, KF6HCD, checks into Net from Fullerton, and AF6C says race between Kens & Bobs on the Net wid Ken’s check-in! MLN has weak sigs from Trabuco Canyon into NC’s QTH in Santa Ana, and NBV has been working great DX wid the new YAESU. KJ6YOH was at last Club meeting, and BCQ, Jeremy, checked in from Mission Viejo.
W6ZE/AF6C checked in KE6YHX, W6HHC, N8AE, W6JTT, KJ6OML, WB6IXN, N6HC, K6DNR, W6ATB/m, N6NBV, and K7JA…Nice check-in, OPs! YHX is installing terminals on battery cables. HHC compares logging programs for Field Day, and AF6C will share Information Booth duties on FD wid Christine, and Bob serviced 35 new Talking Book machines at Braille Institute today while OML serviced old Talking Book machines. And OML will upgrade to Extra in March! JTT had marginal copy on NC tonite. HC & XYL are off to see the Endeavor Space Shuttle and Arnie will take pix for the Club newsletter…HC also suggests Club OPs not familiar wid contesting attend pre-Field Day meetings to firm up operating procedures. IXN read a couple of short items from the OCA Newsletter and DNR ‘flew in and flew out! ATB checked in mobile from the Carson area. NBV checked in working barefoot and had weak sigs at NC’s QTH. Any OPs working sideband on Field Day, if you have questions, contact K7JA, Chip, who said he will be working on the sideband side of Field Day operations!
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in W6JTT, AF6CF, KE6YHX, KJ6OML, W6ATB, K7JA, N6HC, AF6C, N6NBV, and KE7RXD. JTT, not up in the mountains last week, is thinking abt improvements for the 6m band, and el Presidente, Nicolas, CF, checked in to hear any Field Day news. And YHX gets a potentiometer from DigiKey, and looks over schematics for a seismometer. OML kicks back to listen to the Net, and ATB and JA discuss antennas, beacon frequencies, and band openings for 6m…JA said the 6m band will open in about 60 days. HC has been cleaning up the ‘back 40’ and Arnie says he’s getting to old for that kind of work. We take this opportunity to thank K7JA, N6HC, W6HHC, and AF6C for time spent on Field Day plans, including Club members and non-club members who are helping with our Field Day plans! NBV got a new YAESU FT-101 ZD, and RXD is looking forward to attending a Gordon West amateur radio class.