Working Field Day? Check wid Jeff, W6UX, for three classes on Field Day operating to prepare you for our 80th Club Anniversary Field Day operations including phone and CW, logging, etc. Contact Jeff, W6UX, at to enroll in the three classes being offered. W6ZE/AF6C checked in WB6IXN, WB9YCJ, W6HHC, KJ6OML, W6HC, W6JTT, KE6OPK(Dave), and N6NBV. YCJ prepares for a relaxing baseball season wid the Angels, Dodgers, and Padres. AF6C said to check out the Yahoo Group for FD details, and Bob announced the Club Bfast for Sat. morning. Bob also introduced us to a Tardigrade animal capable of maintaining life under extreme conditions, even outer space! HHC announced the FD site is still the Education Center in Buena Park beside Knotts Berry Farm, and Ken will finish the Newsletter this weekend. AF6C and OML refurbished many machines at Braille Institute today. HC, traded ham radio for business matters this week, and, Arnie is looking forward to Field Day. JTT, planning on FD, said NC was weak at the QTH tonite. And KE6OPK, Dave, a Tech, checked in with gud sigs from Cerritos. And Steve, NBV, checked in to tell how proud he is of his daughter’s success in the sport of LaCrosse. IXN reported very little rain for us over the weekend.
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in W6ATB, W6JTT, N6NBV, KJ6OML, K6DNR, and Robert, EVX. ATB plans to attend the Club Fied Day Classes since his last FD was abt 20 yrs ago! JTT, also planning on attending FD classes, has lots of radio repairs in the works, including switching to 4 different antennas. Wid DLA momentarily down, AF6C & OML are ‘holding down the fort’ on talking book repairs at Braille Institute, and DNR ‘flew in and flew out’ after RACES Net. EVX, wid weak sigs at NC, announced an upcoming event that needs volunteer OPs, and NBV is proud of his 3 daughters, all involved in athletic events!
W6ZE/AF6C checked in KE6YHX, KJ6QZO(June), W6HHC, WB6IXN, KJ6OML, KE6OPK(Dave), K6DNR, N8AE, N8UZE, and W6ATB/m. AF6C and OML repaired Talking Book machines at Braille Institute leaving just two on the shelf, and YHX works on connecting the computer to the rig. And congrats to June, QZO, on acquiring a General Class License! HHC reminds OPs about FD classes just ahead of regular Club meetings in March, April, and May…And Ken said that the new DATV board sent to England is performing perfectly! IXN said that an asteroid the size of DA-14 will strike the Earth about once every 1,200 years. OML will attend Field Day University classes, and Dave, OPK, down in the QRN at IXN’s QTH, said activity was picking up on 10m. DNR, wid lots of irons in the fire, kicked back to listen to the rest of the Net, and AE, wid UZE nearby in the background, teamed up wid GP, Tim, to work on a USB board as Carl prepares for digital operations…AE was unsuccessful in attempts to work the Vatican today. ATB checked in mobile and had gud sigs near Net’s end.
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in KE6YHX, KJ6QZO, W6HHC, N8AE, W6UX, K6DNR, AF6C, KJ6OML, WA6EMD(Elijah), KF6EVX, KE6WJQ, W6JTT, AF6CF, KJ6ZNT(Doug), W6ATB, and W9YCJ/m. YHX plays wid a power switch box and a controller, and QZO goes for her Extra ticket in June. HHC and the DATV group are happy wid the new Board that is working at 99% efficiency. AE had a slight stroke and joins IXN who had slight motor difficulties wid his recent 2 strokes. UX announces FD University class times, is vy busy at work and the PC. NC has trouble hearing YCJ, but DNR picks up Ken FB! AF6C is glad to hear that AE is doing well and Bob will see us at Club meeting Friday nite. OML will take Gordon West’s upgrade license class, and OML informs YCJ about Gordon West’s upgrade classes. El Presidente AF6CF alerts OPs to be on the lookout for a comet in the western sky abt a ½ hour after sunset. CF, UX, and ATB briefly discuss a ‘K3’ rig. WTQ checks in wid gud sigs, and EVX announces an charitable event that needs ham volunteers. Contact Gene Thorpe at if you can help! WA6EMD(Elijah) checked into Net from Westminster, CA. KJ6ZNT(Doug) checked in from Fullerton. Both OPs had gud sigs at NC’s QTH.
W6ZE/AF6C checked in KE6YHX, N8AE, N8UZE, K6CCD, W6ATB, W6UX, KJ6OML, KJ6QZO, KE6OPK, WB6IXN, K6DNR, and WB9YCJ. Nice checkin, OPs! YHX experiences TVI interference in a modem, and Corey poses a C++ programming problem to AF6C. AF6C will email Corey abt the problem. AE & UZE will take a company auto, that UZE is helping put thru its ‘paces’, on a trip to Venice Beach tomorrow. AF6C gets Dr. bills straightened out, and Bob says WØNEL, Clem, ha borrowed a Club rig. CCD is trying out an 897 for a friend, and ATB, celebrating his 43rd wedding anniversary, ‘flew in and flew out’! UX reported a successful turnout for last Friday’s FD University class…abt 20 OPs in attendance, and Jeff worked a DX pileup today! OML reported on Talking Books repaired at Braille Institute today, and QZO,June, and Gene said that Gordon West is now holding his last ham radio liecense classes!...Gordon is retiring!! AF6C and IXN both have left-handed, chrome plated, jeweled ‘Bugs’. OPK, Dave, in Cerritos, ‘flew in and flew out’, and IXN & Lee’s auto is in the shop for scratch repairs. DNR, on the G5RV tonite, checked in and kicked back to listen to the Net. YCJ say computer peripherals are not shielded enougn!...RF gets into modems, etc., and Ken says baseball games begin in 10 days!
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in W6ITT(Witt), a Tech,KG6OXD/m, W6JTT, KJ6OML, KE6YHX, AF6C, N6NBV, N5YRJ(Steve), and KA6VRP(Dennis). ITT, in Newport Beach, just got back into ham radio after a 10 yr absence. OXD/m might be wid the LOARA group for FD, and JTT says Gordon West’s book & 6 DVDs are an excellent preparation for the Extra Class ticket! OML said Gordon West has two Extra ticket classes left before he retires! And congrats to NBV on getting his Extra Class ticket! YHX’s 1,023 page book on C++ doesn’t give him the answer he wants!! (Join the crowd, Corey!) OXD checked in mobile and may be out of town for Field Day. N5YRJ, Steve #2 in Mission Viejo, had gud sigs at NC’s QTH in Santa Ana. AF6C gets the 1990s RFs transferred to the website, and, Bob Bob provides NEL wid a mike for the Club rig. Dennis checked in at Cypress H.S. under the call KA6VKP, Ray, in Cypress.
W6ZE/AF6C checked in KE6YHX, W6HHC, W6ATB, KJ6OML, WB6IXN, and KE6OPK. YHX, working on a controller, replaced the CRT in his IMAC. HHC helps the CORE-RACES group make plans for Baker-to-Vegas…They recently held a pre-testing exercise…Ken said there will be 280 teams signed up to run this year!...And HHC reminded all about the Field Day meeting this Friday. ATB is busy working on taxes as he prepares to meet wid his accountant, and Greg is working on an interface for PSK-31. AF6C, OML, and DLA marveled over an old green Talking Book machine that turned up in the workshop, and, spare parts arrived for future Talking Book machines repairs at Braille Institute. IXN said there is a very slight chance of rain Sunday nite thru early Tuesday, and AF6C fixed GPK friend’s computer and Bob said not to forget Club Bfast 1st Sat. of April. IXN cudn’t hear OPK at the QTH, but Dave, after a busy day, ‘flew in and flew out’.
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in KE6YHX, AF6C, W6JTT, KJ6OML, and W6ATB/m. YHX is working wid computer programming, wid machine language his favorite topic! AF6C, making corrections in his taxes as he goes along, pays a higher percentage tax rate than does Bill Gates! And Bob puts more old ‘RF’s up on the website! JTT tnx Club & Net for leading him to Gordon West’s license class…Sam now has his EXTRA ticket!...Congrats, Sam! OML, AF6C, and DLA cleaned off the shelves at Braille Institute today as they marveled at an old green Talking Book Machine that suddenly turned up! Bob, Bruce, and Gene service Talking Book machines for Braille Institute who deeply appreciates there volunteer services, and so does OCARC! W6ATB/m checked in on Tustin Ave. at Taft wid the SCE substation and their ‘clotheslines’ stretching in all directions…Craig had 5/9 sigs at NC’s QTH3