10m Phone Net
W6ZE/AF6C checked in KE6YHX, W6UX, KJ6OML, WB6IXN, KI6DHT, W6JTT, W6HHC, K6DNR, NH6I, and
WB9YCJ. AF6C was ill last week and missed the
10m Net. YHX got a notice from the city to
trim a tree, and Corey gave sig reports. UX
checks out his FD equipment, and Jeff needs a list of 10m OPs fer FD operations
likes the new spectrum analyzer and the pan adapter, too!
OML, AF6C, and DLA serviced a lot of Talking Book machines at Braille
Institute today
Tnx, guys! IXN & Lee
came out of Wendys restaurant to find their Honda engine running! Lee had the ignition key in his pocket! KI6DHT is retiring, has sold his house, and he
& the XYL are off to Atlanta
Gud luck, Mike, and keep in touch! JTT sigs were loud at IXNs QTH, but HHC had
to relay Sams sigs to NC! HHC has the Newsletter about ready for the webpage. DNR missed a couple of Nets, but Bob checked in
tonite. NH6I, Norm, on the main island of
Hawaii, checked in S5 at NC tonite. Most OPs
heard Norm FB. YCJ checked in from the QTH at
Nets end.
2m Phone Net
W6ZE/KE6YHX checked in KJ6OML, AF6C, W6JTT, and WB9YCJ, wid WB6IXN listening on the side! Tnx, Corey, for taking over NC duties! IXN got bitten by the WIRES bug by
holding a control knob in too long!...WIRES is concerned with operating your rig with a
computer. OML and June attended UXs FD
opertinag classes, and Corey and AF6C talked about bad fuel damaging the fuel pump in the
YHX auto. JTT has a few projects lined up both
at the valley QTH and up at the QTH in the San Jacinto Mts.
YCJ is looking forward to Field Day, checking into Net after arriving home
from another Angel loss!
10m Phone Net
KF4CGM(Dean), and K6DNR. AF6C, wid his sister
back home, will test the Club generator for FD operations tomorrow afternoon wid HHC. ATB, at meetings this week, still managed to work
the 6m Contest a little this week. YHX,
working wid programming and moving data, gave OP sig reports tonite. MEC was down in the QRN at IXNs QTH, but Clem
is ready fer FD and will be on the site Friday afternoon.
IXN finished outlining notes from Sean Carolls book, Particle at
the End of the Universe. CONGRATS to Gene & XYL June on getting their Xtra
Class licenses!...OML worked at Braille Institute repairing Talking Books. HC has been very busy and not on the air lately,
but Arnie will see everybody Friday at meeting and at Field Day. HHC told Clem that Field Day times are all listed
in the Newsletter. Ken also said that Tim-GP made twice as many contacts in the 6m
Contest this year as he did in last years contest!
DNR checked into Net just before Net began.
Welcome to the Net, Dean, KF4CGM our DX tonite from St. Cloud, Fla., near
6/12/13 2m
Phone Net
WB6IXN opened the Net wid low power! IXN asked
Corey, YHX, to assume NC duties
checked in W6JTT, KJ6OML, WB6IXN, W6ATB, K6JER(Jeremy), and AF6C. OPs sent congrats to Gene, OML, and XYL June (now
KJ6ZOQ) on upgrading to EXTRA! IXN once again
alerted OPs who are interested in learning CW to join us Sundays at 9:00 am local time
Sundays on 7.086 MHz
Speeds run from abt 4 wpm to 18 wpm, its live
John, is NC
performed surgery replacing apart in a rig, and JTT tore apart a WWII transformer for
parts. OML still wants to get the antennas up
higher and Gene serviced Talking Book machines at Braille Institute today. AF6C & IXN discussed past CW experiences and
AF6C told Jeremy, a fresh water fishing OP in Mission Viejo, about past OCARC salt water
fishing journeys
Welcome to the Net, Jeremy!
10m Phone Net W6ZE/AF6C
checked in N7JY(John), KE6YHX, WØMEC, WB6IXN, W6ATB, W6HHC, W6JTT, W6UX, K6DNR, K6QNR,
13 check-ins!...FB, OPs! N7JY,
John, visiting in Westminster, plans to join us at Field Day near Knotts Berry Farm
where he will join us for supper Sat. nite! YHX
picked up a Heathkit Signal Generator in excellent condition!...AF6C will see if he can
find literature for it! Now Corey must replace
a fuel pump in the truck. IXN cudnt hear
MEC who was down in the QRN, and AF6C found a 2 position switch to be used at Field Day. ATB can spend 3 to 4 hours at the FD site tomorrow
if needed, and HHC gives times to be at FD site to help set up for Thurs., Fri., and Sat. AF6C, OML, and DLA all serviced Talking Books at
Braille Institute today, clearing the shelves! And
HHC, examining his new spectrum analyzer, entertained his younger son & family at
din-din tonite. JTT, wid S5 noise at the shack
tonite, plans to be at the FD site come Friday. UX,
wid gud sigs on backup power tonite, will miss Friday at the FD site. DNR was happy to receive his Club QSL card, and
ZNT, on vacation, plans to visit the Field Day site.
6/19/13 2m
Phone Net
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in KE6YHX, W6ATB, KJ6OML, AF6C, W6JTT, and N6NBV. YHX, wid battery in the portable rig, is ready fer
FD. ATB, wid gud sigs, has questions for HHC
abt his Kens ne spectrum analyzer. OML
and June, too, will help set up for Field Day. AF6C
says ATBs sigs are FB tonite as Bob looks forward to FD. NBV got the two daughters graduated and off to
college, one daughter going to Oregon, and Steve anticipates working Field Day! JTT still arranges antennas, and Sam is ready fer
In July
QST magazine, p. 32, THE ARRL LEGACY CIRCLE recognizes Fried Heyn, WA6WZO, and Sandi Heyn,
WA6WZN, and Arnie Shatz, N6HC, and Sheryl Shatz, KA6DOW, for providing for the ARRL in
their wills and other estate plans. Unless
otherwise designated, these funds go to the ARRL Endowment Fund, HELPING TO INSURE THE
10m Phone Net W6ZE/AF6C
checked in W6JTT, W6HHC, WB6IXN, KJ6OML, KE6YHX, WØMEC, W6ATB, AH6GE(Bill), and K6DNR. AF6C & OPs had only the HIGHEST PRAISE for the
best ever Field Day operations of the OCARC at the Education Center near Knotts
Berry Farm! IXN said that Dinos 100+
foot high tower was in competition wid the height of Knotts Berry Farm rides!...HHC
reported 12 amplifiers and 19 towers + 1 vertical at the site! FOR COMMUNICATIONS, THIS WAS THE BEST FIELD DAY IN
OML was at
the site on Friday, and Genes XYL, June, pinched her sciatic nerve sometime over the
FD period! She is better now. JTT cud hear MEC
well, but Clem was down in the QRN at IXNs QTH.
The Triumvirate (AF6C, OML, and DLA) repaired all the ailing Talking Book
machines at Braille Institute today. YHX made
20+ contacts in 2 ½ hr sessions at FD
Band condx ranged from good to poor for FD. ATB had high QRN at the QTH tonite but Greg worked
10m at FD both Sat. and Sun. Other business
kept DNR from Field Day activities, and HHC reported 6,859 QSOs logged, 18,700 points without bonus points added. Final tallies will be interesting when they appear
in QST! AH6GE, Bill, in Keaau, HI, was
operating 5 watts!...Gud DX!
6/26/13 2m
Phone Net
AF6CF, N6NBV, and W6NRD(Jason). JTT cudnt
make FD, but Sam will be off to the mts. the
week of the 4th and the following week. OML
managed to help at Field Day even though OZQ, Genes XYL pinched a nerve! NGF operated 10m at Field Day, and Tim checked into
Net on an HT tonite. HHC gave the tentative
scores for the Clubs MOST OUTSTANDING FIELD DAY.
And YHX had a good time at his 1st Field Day. IXN cudnt find ATBs net notes, but
Craig had gud sigs into the QTH! AF6C, HHC, and OPs all discussed FD operations, and we thank AF6CF, el Presidente, fer the Field
Day message to Club members! IXN & Lee
enjoyed talking briefly wid YHXs mom at the FD site, and AF6C also spent some time
working at the Club info booth at FD. NBV came
out to Field Day, and Jason, W6NRD, checked into Net from Aliso Viejo. Steve, N5YRJ, lives in Mission Viejo.