This year's Christmas party was held at Mimi's Cafe 18461 Brookhurst St. in Fountain Valley.
W6XD - Art Goddard was our guest speaker. He presented the T88CC DXpedition to Palau, a small island in Micronesia. The Republic of Palau, with a total population of 18 thousand, offers some of best diving and sport fishing in the world. Its hard to imagine this idyllic island group as the scene of some of WW2's fiercest fighting.
Following the program elections were held for the 2003 club officers.
The annual club auction was held at our regular meeting time and place. Items were limited to radio and electronic equipment only. Registration began at 7:00 PM.
Ken Konechy - W6HHC was our speaker. He provided an introduction to Voice Coding, achieving frequency sharing by using orthogonal coding, QPSK modulation, and more.
The 2002 ARRL Southwestern Division Convention was held at the California Center for the Performing Arts in Escondido, CA. Featured keynote speakers were Jim Haynie W5JBP, President of ARRL and Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, head of the FCC Enforcement Bureau - Special Counsel for Amateur Radio. Numerous club members were in attendance.
At the July meeting the video presentation The Science of Audio by Bob Heil. Many who watched the video got to see the real presentation at the SWD Convention later in the weekend.
John De Boer - KD6ZKC presented a program on solar power. From powering a small HT and its charger to powering your whole house John told us how it could be done and what was necessary.
This program was rescheduled from March.
FIELD DAY is a yearly held 24-hour simulated emergency communications drill.
Ken Konechy - W6HHC presented a slide show of past OCARC Field Day events. Shown were many of our success and failures learning experiences. After the slide show, final Field Day preparations were made.
The program speakers were Dennis Kidder - WA6NIA and Fred Wagner - KQ6Q. They provided a presentation on PSK31 Digital Communications. They showed how to use the low-bands to talk near and far; high power is not required. Working stations were set up and demonstrated.
After a couple of years off, the City of Orange Police Department participated in the Baker-2-Vegas relay race again this year.
OCARC hams are teaming up with COAR (the Orange police volunteer ham group) and hams from Cerritos and Garden Grove to support Orange and Garden Grove police teams in the Baker to Vega race.
The guest program speaker was Bill Phinizy - K6WHP, who provided a presentation entitled: QRP… Kits and Operating. Bill, being a victim of CC&Rs, turned the power down on his HF rig and was surprised to discover he could work stations quite far away.
The main speaker was Frank Smith - WA6VKZ who talked on Encryption on the Internet. Frank discussed Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), a personal cryptography software package. A similar software package is available for Linux, called GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
Art Goddard - W6XD, ARRL SWD Director gave a short presentation on the upcoming convention in Escondido. Art also discussed changes being proposed in the PRB-1 bill in Congress to include CR&Rs. The bill is called the Emergency Communications Act of 2002.
The origially scheduled program, Solar Power, was postponed until later in the year due to emergency [July].
The February guest speaker was John Spencer - K7KF (ex-AB0I). John, who has been a ham for 45 years, described the design, construction, and operation of a dream antenna farm (AB0I) he owned in Kansas. Towers of 80 to 180 feet, large arrays and good equipment made this a dream station. The installation of the 180' tower was quite a venture all by iteslf.
Matt McKenzie - K6LNX presented a program on LINEX, an alternate operating system that replaces Windows and is open source and free to download. LINUX, a cousin of Unix has a geek following and offers good support for many ham radio programs.
Club Breakfasts and Board Meetings were held at The Cowgirl's Cafe Too, 2610 S. Harbor Blvd. in Santa Ana on:
* Date changed due to a conflict on the first Saturday of the month.
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