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Bencher BY-1 keyer paddle; black base, chrome mechanism. Clean except for some corrosion on chrome.
Micronta (Radio Shack) 22-124A Power Supply. Input is 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 60 Watts max.; output is 13.8 volts at 2.5 amps. Unit has circuit breaker on rear.
Small mobile speaker with mounting bracket for mobile operation. Impedance 4Ω 3 Watts maximum. Speaker includes cable with a 1/8" plug.
Note that it looks like the mounting bracket is missing the magnet.
This is a small fold-up tripod manufactured by Alpha Delta.
This is a mid-seventies era CMOS electronic keyer manufactured by Curtis. It was reviewed in QST in the February 1976 issue (p43). It is based on the Curtis programmed 8044 chip. New price in 1976 was $125.
This is heavily based desk microphone stand with a chrome stem (possibly Micronta?).
This equipment is from the estate of Ed, K6JGN.
NOTE: All items from the estate have been sold.
Original date of page: May 13, 2010