Description: General coverage AM/CW receiver 110 KHz to 18 MHz in four bands: 110 to 410 KHz, 400 - 1,500 KHz, 1.7 to 5.9 MHz and 5.3 to 18 MHz 125 V AC/DC. Eight tubes. 1,600 KHz IF. Built-in speaker. Weight 26 lbs. (circa 1940 — 1946).
Description: This is a rare Hallicrafters receiver. It covers the broadcast band through 30.5 MHz in four bands (9 tubes). Includes BFO. 110 V AC/DC Also runs on internal batteries. Manual is available online. Weight (Circa 1940 — 1943)
Description: Five tube, Single conversion, 110 V AC/DC, weight 14 lbs. (Circa 1947 — 1952). This is one of the six models of the S-38 to S-38E line manufactured by Hallicrafters.
Description: General Coverage Receiver - 540 KHz to 44 MHz in four bands (540 to 1680 KHz, 1.68 to 5.4 MHz, 5.3 to 15.5 MHz and 15.5 to 44 MHz), single conversion, IF 455 KHz, 105 - 125 VAC, eight tubes, built-in speaker. (Circa 1950 — 1955)
Description: VHF (152 - 173 MHz) FM Receiver.
Description: VHF receiver 50 to 54 MHz AM (6M), seven tubes, 110V AC/DC. (Circa 1956 — 1957)
Description: General Coverage single conversion receiver, 550 KHz to 43 MHz in six bands with calibrated bandspread. (Circa 1940 — 1946)
Radio has been recapped - (all but around bandswitch)
Description: Panadapter for Skyrider receivers and any receiver having an IF between 450 and 470 KHz. 10 tubes including 2AP1 CRT (Circa 1946)
Description: AM/FM/CW Wideband receiver. Covers 540 KHz to 110 MHz in six bands. Single conversion - IF frequency is 455 KHz on lower four bands and 10.7 MHz on upper two bands. 15 tubes, weight 52 lbs. (Circa 1946 — 1950)
Radio has been recapped (except RF section).
Description: Double conversion general coverage receiver, 0.538 to 1.58 MHz band 1, and 1.72 to 34 MHZ in bands 2, 3 and 4. IFs at 50.5 KHz and 1.65 MHz. Crystal filter. 12 tubes weight 34 lbs. (Circa 1954 — 1956)
Description: General coverage receiver with bandspread for 80 through 10 meters Coverage from 0.535 to 31.5 MHz with a gap around 1.65 MHz (the receiver IF). seven tubes with a solid-state rectifier. Crystal filter. Product detector on CW and SSB (Circa 1965 — 1969)
Description: Three tube regenerative receiver (35W6, 50C5, 12AT7), 140 KHz to 18 MHz in four bands, weight 10 lbs, 120 VAC transformer operated. Built-in speaker. (Circa 1961 — 1971)
This equipment is for sale by Mike Lichtman.
The equipment is located in the City of Glendale, CA, and is "pickup only". Prices are negotiable.
Contact: at (818) 618-4226 if you have any questions or want to view the equipment.
Equipment is subject to prior sale.
Original date of page: February 22, 2021