Field Day for 2004 is over. The Orange County Amateur Radio Club made 366 CW and 1,426 phone contacts with a power multiplier of two. Though propagation was spotty, it was a lot better than last year. Be sure to check out the 2004 Field Day photo album.

The club would like to thank all the members and friends who made the 2004 W6ZE Field Day operation such a success.

OCARC 2004 Field Day Information

Field Day Location: The Orange County Amateur Radio Club will hold their 2004 Field Day at Portola Park in north-east Santa Ana. The park is located on Santa Clara Ave (running east-west) between Grand Ave (aka Glassell Ave) and Tustin Ave. Easiest routes are to either:

(1) take Tustin Ave exit south from FWY 22 (if you are heading East) to Santa Clara, then go west.


(2) take 17th Street exit west from FWY 55 and then go North on Tustin Ave at the first Light and then turn Left at the light at Santa Clara Ave.

Click here to see a map of The 2004 FD Site


Club Call: We will be operating under the club call W6ZE.

Date: The A.R.R.L. Field Day is always held on the 4th full weekend in June. This year's dates are Saturday June 26th and Sunday June 27th.

Time: Setup will begin Saturday morning at 7:30 AM. Operations will begin at 11:00 AM local time (1800 hours GMT) on Saturday and continue till 11:00 AM local time Sunday.

Team Captain: The rules have changed a bit for this year. We will be operating Class 4A with four simultaneous stations on the air (plus VHF/UHF) for the 24 hour period. We need all the help we can get, even if you can come for only a few hours.

Contact these team leaders for more details.  They all need more operators, so give them a call.

15M - Elmer Thomas - WA6PFA This team will operate 15M. This location will also set up an ATV station.

20M - Ken Konechy - W6HHC is the team captain for 20 meters. This station will remain on while the band is open.

40M - Bob Buss - KD6BWH is the team captain for 40 meters. They will need operators to help her stay on the air for the 24 hour period.

80M - Kenan Reilly - N6CCE  is the team captain for the 80meter station.

BONUS STATION - The team captains for the bonus station will be Tom Thomas - WA6PFA.  We can get lots of bonus points as listed below.

Points:   Other points-we get 100 points for emergency power, 100 points for each H.F. station (400), 100 points for being in a public place, 100 points for a published newspaper article, and up to 200 points for message copy/sending.

Phone contacts count 1 point each and CW/digital contacts count 2 points
each.  I challenge each station to make a few CW contacts.  We will be using
laptops for logging, or log sheets for manual logging. 

Food:   The OCARC will provide meals to all for Saturday Dinner and Sunday Breakfast.  Traditionally, the Team Captains have provided for Saturday Lunch.

Rules: Check out the Year 2004 A.R.R.L. Field Day rules here.


Visitors are welcome and encouraged.

Be sure to come out and join the Bob Eckweiler - OCARC FD Chairman (Acting)

The Club's Field Day History: View the Field Day scores of W6ZE by band and mode in years past. Locate previous sites where W6ZE operated during the yearly A.R.R.L. event.

Previous Field Day Scores

Previous Field Day Locations

Photo Albums: View photos of recent Orange County Amateur Radio Club Field Day events:



This page last updated on 03 August 2004
OCARC S-Mail: P.O. Box 3454 Tustin, CA 92781
Copyright © 1997-2003 Orange County Amateur Radio Club