W6ZE/AF6C checked in KE6YHX, WB6IXN, W6HHC, and K6DNR. With summer in full swing, OPs are watching sports on TV and attending games so check-ins are much smaller to the nets! AF6C saw his sister off back East at John Wayne Airport on a 9:30 pm flight last night, and Bob got a stereo amplifier working. And YHX has his Calculus Final tomorrow! (Gud luck, Corey!) And, Corey picked upa a water purification device for his Emergency Pack. IXN passed his driving test for another time, and HHC was busy resolving 401K issues today, another FUN item in retirement! Wid only abt 3 weeks left before Field Day, HHC said the Club is ready to go…Is Robbie in charge of the Field Day sign this year? DNR reported QRN tonite but heard NC Q5. DNR’s sigs were S6 at NC as Bob looks forward to Field Day.
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in KE6YHX, W6JTT, AF6C, and KK6SYG. Again extra fun activities kept many OPs from checkin into Net! IXN got an S+ or – 5 from most OPs on 10m tonite, and Corey has 2 tests tomorrow in Calculus, one of them the FINAL!...And, Corey got a water purifier capable of purifying 50 quarts of water before recharging. JTT is working on a switch matrix to switch rigs between antennas and spent some time visiting museums, etc., in the Midwest. SYG, Mike, and IXN discussed recent earthquake storms, and AF6C ‘flew in and flew out’ waiting for Net recognition!
W6ZE/AF6C checked in N6HC, W6HHC, KE6YHX, WB6IXN, N6EBP, W6ATB, and KJ6OML. HC is enjoying the cooler WX and working in the garden, but Arnie did encounter a dead battery in the auto! HHC struggles wid sprinkler problem in the lawn, many trips to the hardware store involved, ant Ken looks forward to the Watson radio group meeting come Friday. IXN is called to the telephone by his niece up in Oregon, and YHX is glad school is over for the present. EBP, Don, has a vertical ant., a 20m beam, and an EICOM rig. ATB cudn’t hear EBP tonite, and Greg will be involkved wid Packet come Field Day. OML & UG are back from vacation which involved a nice trip around the back of Mt. Rushmore, and the Triumvirate AF6C, KJ6OML, and Bruce, DLA, serviced ailing Talking Book machines at Braille Institute today.
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in KJ6OML, KE6YHX, KE6UG, AF6C, N2CNC, KK6FYG, and W6ATB. OML, AF6C, and DLA serviced four new and six old Talking Book machines today wid the usual problems. And June’s plant struggled through vacation wid little damage! And YHX is having gud luck wid his sweet potatoes and the orange tree, plus Corey solved his clipping speech problem! AF6C doesn’t have any tomato worms YET…Gud luck, Bob!...And AF6C refurbished an old, water soaked Heathkit Wattmeter, getting it to work perfectly! CNC likes operating from a boat on the ocean around Long Beach Harbor, and Mike, FYG, in Rialto says all is quiet on the fire and seismic fronts! ATB & IXN briefly discussed the Sunday CW Net that meets at 9:00am every Sunday morning on 7.086 MHz, a slow speed CW Net wid check-ins from Az, northern CA, and local.
W6ZE/AF6C checked in KJ6OML, W6HHC, WB6IXN, and W6ATB. OML, AF6C, and DLA allvolunteered once agn at Braille Institute servicing Talking Book machines. And HHC & AF6C discussed downloading back issues of QST magazine. HHC also continues work on DATV articles. IXN announced theft of his lawn sprinkler heads and has now gone to the hose for watering. ATB feeds grand ddughter Hanna, and himself, as he talks wid OPs, and Greg says the Sunday CW Net interferes wid the church schedule!
W6ZE/WB6IXN checks in W6ATB, AF6C, KJ6OML, KK6FYG, and KE6YHX. IXN got all of the flowers fertilized this afternoon, and AF6C says to try Windex on termites when you find them!...And Bob uses organic bug killer on tomato worms. OML, AF6C, and DLA serviced nine new machines and 4 old ones at Braille today, and UG retired early after working in the yard. FYG reported band openings on 20 and 17m, wid all quiet on the seismic front, and Mike recommends 10-20-20 as a gud fertilizer! And YHX, busy earlier, checked in wid 5/9 sigs tonite.
W6ZE/AF6C checked in W6HHC, KJ6OML, AF6CF, WB6IXN, W6JTT, AG6UG, and N6HC. AF6C reported the generator was loaded and ready to go to the Field Day site. Wid no Talking Book machines needing service, AF6C, OML and DLA had a day off at Braille Institute. HHC is busy wid details for the 20m phone station at FD, and IXN announced the death of Girty Dawson, XYL of former Club member John Dawson, WA6RND. John is now living with his son in Sun City. IXN cud barely read JTT on the horizontal dipole ant, but Sam was 5/9 on the vertical ant. at IXN’s QTH. UG & OML are ready for Field Day. HC reminds OPs to bring sun block to FD and IXN warns OPs to see a dermatologist if you have sores on your face that don’t heal! HC makes a list of items to take to the FD site, and Arnie is ready to go! AF6CF ‘flew in and flew out’.
W6ZE/WB6IXN checked in W6JTT, KJ6OML, KG6OXD, AG6UG, and KK6FYG. JTT reported that the new dipole ant. is up 10 ft. higher…He got a gud sig report on 10m! OML is working on a mount for the motor home and UG was doing some washing. OXD plans to be at Field Day for setup, operating, and teardown…Tnx, Vern! And FYG reported all is quiet in Rialto…I forgot to ask Mike what his plans were for FD!