O.C.A.R.C.'s 2010 A.R.R.L. Field Day
June 26th - 27th, 2010

(Always the fourth full weekend in June)


The Orange County Amateur Radio Club, OCARC, will host Field Day at the Walter Knott Elementary School at 7300 La Palma Avenue in Buena Park, CA. This year's Field Day site is at the same location as last year. The school is located immediately west of Knotts Berry Farm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Amateur radio operators are encourage to bring their families. If you're a ham just visiting the area on business or vacation, you're welcome to join us.

Please bring a copy of your ham license to FD to allow you your full license privileges.

Here are two maps of the Field Day site:

Driving Instructions:

The Walter Knott Elementary School in Buena Park may be reached by:

The location of the OCARC FD on the school grounds can be reached by entering from La Palma into the school's west driveway. See the annotated FD map. The school grounds are behind the school buildings and are to the South.



Teardown will begin at the end ofthe 24 hour contest at 11 AM on Sunday June 27th. We hope to have teardown completed and the area swept and vacated by 2 PM.


OCARC will either use operating class 3A or 4A for 2010.

Technician class operators, this is your opportunity to work some HF now that the bands are finally opening up. If you are looking for inspiration to upgrade, this is your chance. Anyone can work the HF bands at a Field Day site with a properly licensed control operator present!

Stations currently planned:

  1. 40 meter SSB (with a touch of CW thrown in)
  2. 20 meter CW
  3. 20 meter SSB
  5. GOTA (Get On The Air)

Field Day Call:

We will be using the Club call, W6ZE, for our general operations.
The GOTA station will be using the call W6BAC.

Band Captains and Teams:

Meals and Food:

The OCARC will be providing food for the main meals. Each participant who is eating will asked to donate $20 to help defray food costs for the entire weekend.

Contest Rules:

2010 ARRL Field Day information, including: the FD Information Packet, Full Rules, Summary sheet, W1AW Bulletin Schedule, Logging Sheets, 2010 FD Logo and much more are available on the Field Day page of the newly updated ARRL website.

Club Field Day History:

Here are links to past Club ARRL Field Day scores and sites:

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009

This page last updated on 11 June 2010
OCARC S-Mail: P.O. Box 3454, Tustin, CA 92781-3454